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12 years ago by [email protected]

VIDEO: Obama Thanks Campaign Staff

On Tuesday, President Obama won in a landslide in the electoral college — made even bigger on Thursday morning as the Romney campaign also conceded Florida — and was able to catch up with his campaign team to thank them for their help on Wednes

12 years ago by Adena Andrews

Pistons are JaVale McGee-ing

Motown is going down, down, down. The boys in blue are 0-5 and the future doesn’t look bright with the Rockets and Thunder next on the schedule.

How bad are the Pistons right now, you ask? So bad that it seems they had a brain-fart

12 years ago by Adena Andrews

Rondo Numbers Game

As if Rajon Rondo didn’t have enough to worry about, like who he's going to disown next, what player to clothesline and just how he is going to get that chip off his shoulder, he is teaching math. He went to Jeremiah E. Burke High Schoo

12 years ago by Adena Andrews

Black Lacrosse Player Offended By Slogan

Jovan Miller, a black lacrosse player (yes they exist) on the Charlotte Hounds is offended by a slogan used by the apparel company of Major League Lacrosse. The brand “Warrior Lacrosse” has a line of products called Ninja which is bei

12 years ago by Staff

TSL 5-on-5: Who’s Dope And Who’s DooDoo

QUESTION 1: Was James Harden the second best player on the Oklahoma City roster all along and we just didn't know it?

MICHAEL TILLERY: James Harden is very talented, and his versatility puts him in the two-spot

12 years ago by Kelley L. Carter

TSL Q&A: Naomie Harris

The real challenge in writing, talking – hell, even whispering – anything about Skyfall is not to give a thing away.

And trust – real deal Bond fans wouldn’t have it any other way. Neither would Naomie Ha

12 years ago by Frank Sergi

Suggestion Box: Doug Martin Wants A New Nickname

His name is Doug Martin, and if you haven’t heard of him, maybe you know him by his nickname, “Muscle Hamster.” Muscle Hamster? What is that?? Martin agreed on NFL AM.

“It has to be the worst nickna

12 years ago by Staff

Comedians Are Whiffing On Obama

Yelling doesn't make the words you're yelling any funnier. This is especially the case when the yeller is a black man. That's the black comedian crutch, right? Don't have anything smart or clever to say — yell something and bug y

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