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12 years ago by Omar Mazariego

Rec Center: Lincoln

Oh, Steven Spielberg you magnificent bastard. Is there nothing you can’t do? You gave us reason to believe that extraterrestrial’s have warm hearts and good intentions; convinced us that dinosaurs can be reborn if we find fossilized m

12 years ago by Brandon K. Scott

Linsanity’s Death Keeps The Rockets Alive

Before James Harden became the face of the Houston Rockets’ franchise just days leading up to the season opener, Jeremy Lin was supposed to be the main act at the Toyota Center.

With good reason, the idea of Jeremy Lin carryi

12 years ago by Staff

Hating On The Beloved Blake Griffin

I’m sometimes afflicted with the unsavory penchant for carrying on crusades against players. I’m pro-player 95 percent of the time, but that remaining 5 percent can get ugly. It’s never “hate” for the player

12 years ago by [email protected]

While You Were Working: 11.16.12

The MVP Awards were handed out by MLB today, with Buster Posey taking the honors in the NL, after returning from his horrible leg injury a year ago, and Miguel Cabrera getting the nod in the AL over Mike Trout. 

The latter is bound

12 years ago by Staff

Chamique Holdsclaw Needs Our Support, Not Ridicule

One of the hardest subjects for writers to discuss is mental illness. These conditions leave no space for sarcasm or flippant editorials. In recent months we’ve learned of incidents with former Mavs guard Delonte West,

12 years ago by Michael Tillery

Falcons’ Julio Jones Is The Real Deal

If you look up in the sky, you'll see red, white and black fly by. Julio Jones' time is now. As a national champion at Alabama and a second-year upstart, the Randy Moss comparisons don't fade him. Matt Ryan smiles when he golden boy f

12 years ago by DJ Dunson

USC’s Golden QBs Are Losing Their Shine

If Matt Barkley is fortunate enough to squash Notre Dame’s national championship aspirations in his home finale next Saturday, the senior quarterback should diverge slightly from the routine formula of snatching up Tommy Trojan's sword

12 years ago by [email protected]

Who Cares About Josh Howard?

Yesterday, Josh Howard was trending on Twitter. Not briefly, either. Howard was up there all day.

Howard hasn't been relevant since 2008, so it struck me as odd. Is he even playing? Did he dunk on someone? Did he get hurt?

12 years ago by Zach Dillard

Any Given Saturday: Week 12

As news leaked out of Denver, it became clear that a victory had been scored for the little guys.

Following a meeting of conference commissioners and other shapers of the college football world, it was reported that lesser conferences &m

12 years ago by Kelley L. Carter

Reel Talk: Anthony Anderson

We’ve seen him take on a number of roles over the years, but even when he’s in a serious movie like, say, The Departed, he always seems to hit us with the comic relief.

The 42-year-old Anderson, who’s dropped n

12 years ago by Megan Ann Wilson

Made In America Makes A Difference

A week has passed since America elected President Barack Obama to a second term in office. The President’s victory speech was less celebratory and more serious, focusing on forging ahead via the strength of the nation. The hope for many is

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