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12 years ago by Staff

TSL 5-on-5: Who’s Dope And Who’s DooDoo

QUESTION 1: Was James Harden the second best player on the Oklahoma City roster all along and we just didn't know it?

MICHAEL TILLERY: James Harden is very talented, and his versatility puts him in the two-spot

12 years ago by Kelley L. Carter

TSL Q&A: Naomie Harris

The real challenge in writing, talking – hell, even whispering – anything about Skyfall is not to give a thing away.

And trust – real deal Bond fans wouldn’t have it any other way. Neither would Naomie Ha

12 years ago by Frank Sergi

Suggestion Box: Doug Martin Wants A New Nickname

His name is Doug Martin, and if you haven’t heard of him, maybe you know him by his nickname, “Muscle Hamster.” Muscle Hamster? What is that?? Martin agreed on NFL AM.

“It has to be the worst nickna

12 years ago by Staff

Comedians Are Whiffing On Obama

Yelling doesn't make the words you're yelling any funnier. This is especially the case when the yeller is a black man. That's the black comedian crutch, right? Don't have anything smart or clever to say — yell something and bug y

12 years ago by Frank Sergi

Kobe Changes Mind On Retirement Date

A little over a week ago, Kobe was talking retirement, possibly as soon as his current deal expired in 2014. Today Kobe lovers were blessed with some magic words.

12 years ago by [email protected]

High Priorities: Marijuana Legalized in CO, WA

Election Day is usually monumental in some fashion: at it's core, we are electing the leader and face of the nation for the next four years.

But this election was about more than a leader, it was also about how Americans want t

12 years ago by DJ Dunson

Basketball Gods Keep Crushing Eric Gordon

One step forward. Two steps back.

Eric Gordon’s pro career has been one major setback after another. Every time the 23 year old holds a full house, the basketball gods drop straight flushes and confiscate his chips.

At 6&r

12 years ago by Staff

Double Up

Who are we? As Americans, who are we? That’s the singular question presented every four years when we elect a new president. We answered that question last night. The electorate did its job.

The stakes were as high as they’ve

12 years ago by Adena Andrews

Derrick Rose Is A Father

Derrick Rose is about to be a beast on the floor when he returns. He has the motivation of Chicago and this entire nation and now he will be driven by the newest addition to his family. Rose

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