The Dime: Week 14

Trash Talk: I’ll give Greg Hardy credit: He and the Panthers came out and backed up their trash talk with a resounding victory over their arch rival Atlanta Falcons. However, if you’re a 6’4, 277lb bad ass defensive lineman, you can’t let the kicker Matt Bryant punk you.



Terrible: One of many bad moments from one of the worst performances in modern NFL history. Patrick Patterson, who is a very good player with a bright future, tried to make a play and, sadly, like the rest of his teammates, it ended with an epic fail.


It’s beyond old now: I’m so tired of Suh’s act. He acts as if we can’t actually see the games as they happen. It’s not 1925 and we have to rely on radio reenactments of plays. There is video evidence of his continual disregard for the NFL and the rules. His late hit on Aaron Rodgers in the Lions loss to the Packers is yet another sore spot on the resume of the reckless Suh.


How quickly the mighty fall: Brandon Jacobs went from Super Bowl champion to just another emotional tweeter with no job this week. Jacobs was suspended by the 49ers for the last three games of the season. It can’t be too much of a shock since he’s only played in two games and has just five carries. It appears that tweets like this one are what finally got him out of San Fran. Both sides are probably better off.



Tweets will get you fined: Unless you’re Joe Namath or Mark Messier, you should probably stay away from guarantees of victory. Now, if you’re a member of the Chiefs, you should really know better, especially if you’re a no-name lineman like Shaun Smith. And if your guarantee doesn’t come to fruition, be ready to accept some ribbing on Twitter. Evidently, Mr. Smith hasn’t been apprised of these simple rules. His tirade against a local reporter was shameful, but I like the reporter’s response of “I’ll see you in the locker room”. Last thing any player needs is money coming of their pocket for threatening media members. Hopefully Smith will apologize and move forward quickly.



Inspiration: How can you not root for Chuck Pagano and the Colts? Andrew Luck is a young impresario, Reggie Wayne is showing us he’s still got game and the whole team has rallied around their ailing coach. Now, we get even more hope that he just might be back for the end of the regular season and playoffs. Can you imagine the type of energy the Colts would play with if this report from the Indy Star beat writer is accurate?



Two for one: I’m all about fat-guy touchdowns. I’m even more into fat-guy touchdown celebrations, and a Green Bay Packers DT gave us both. I don’t know which was better the actual TD or the big boy Lambeau leap. Either way, Mike Daniels, you are the man.


Who are you and where have you been: David Wilson fumbled on his second NFL carry and since has been in Tom Coughlin’s doghouse. Wilson has busted outta there now with three impressive touchdowns. He had a 97-yard kickoff return for a TD, and the vision and speed he shows on the 52-yard run to close out the Saints means he might be around for a while.


Fantasy Hero of the week: Nick Foles was a baller on Sunday. 351 yards and two touchdowns was good look for the few fantasy owners who had Foles. Let’s see if he can keep the party going as the Eagles end one of their toughest seasons in team history.


Are we there yet: Andre Johnson called the game versus the Patriots the biggest regular season game in the existence of the franchise. Clearly, Johnson was the only Texan who took the game that seriously. Houston has now put themselves in the same category as the Atlanta Falcons: Both teams will not get any respect until they win big games. The Texans' next big game won’t come until January, and they need to be way better than they were on Monday night if they want to have any chance.  

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