“There Are A Lot Of Things I Could Have Done Better … I’m In The Process Of Fixing Those Wrongs” | Zion Williamson Owns Up To His Part In Not Being The Player He Should Be

New Orleans Pelicans forward Zion Williamson is in Las Vegas with the rest of the NBA and stoped by Gilbert Arenas’ “Gil’s Arena” podcast. The two-time All-Star kept it real about his role in his inability to stay on the floor so far in his career.

It’s Hard Being Young, Famous And Rich

“That s–t hard. It’s hard, man,” Williamson said when asked by Arenas if it’s hard to diet at his age. “I’m 20, 22, have all the money in the world — well, it feels like all the money in the world. It’s hard.”

Zion has played in only 114 games over his four-year career due to a variety of injuries.

It’s unfortunate because when he’s on the floor he produces at an All-NBA level. Many respected basketball people feel he is an MVP candidate when healthy.

But Zion hasn’t been the most diligent about taking care of his body, particularly his diet.

The NBA season is a grueling 82-game marathon followed by the intense pressure cooker known as the playoffs. If you’re not physically fit you have no chance at sustained success.

“I’m at that point now because of certain things, I’m putting back the wisdom around me. I don’t want to say older because they get defensive, but I’m putting people around me with wisdom. Put me on game to certain things. And just go from there.”

Zion Needs To Simplify His Life And Focus On The Main Thing

Diet isn’t the only thing hindering Zion these days. He’s been in the news recently over a messy situation with a woman he was allegedly sleeping with, Moriah Mills.

Zion held a gender reveal party with another woman and once Mills found out she’s been outing all of the baller’s sexual proclivities on social media.

Do what you do in your free time. But none of that is good for the business of playing basketball and being the best player he can be.

“Like [former Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski] taught me, I have to own up to my responsibilities. There are a lot of things I could have done better. I didn’t. I’m in the process of fixing those wrongs.”

Athletes have a way of opening up and being honest with their peers, in a way they don’t with media. For Zion to make these public admissions on Gil’s podcast is a step in the right direction.

He just signed a five-year, $197 million max contract extension that begins this season. The Pelicans still believe he is their future. But the time for him to show up and prove it is here.

This has to be the best offseason of his career, where he gets his diet under control through the help of professionals. Hire a personal chef, a nutritionist, whatever you need to get and stay on the right path. Limit distractions and focus on being the best player he could be.

When healthy he and the Pelicans were at the top of the West in December. A full healthy season of Zion could mean big things come playoffs.

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