Tamron Hall Defends Herself Against Backlash For Asking Larsa Pippen Intrusive Questions About BF Marcus Jordan | Pippen Suggests Hall Audition For ‘Real Housewives’

Larsa Pippen did an interview on the “Tamron Hall” show last month and was asked in-depth questions about her relationship with Marcus Jordan. Pippen apparently didn’t appreciate some of the questions being asked and other guests felt the same way. Hall received backlash from fans that tuned into the interview, and she has come out to defend herself.

Tamron Hall (left), Larsa Pippen (right). (Photos: Getty Images)

The Interview In Question

Hall started off the interview with a direct question about Pippen’s relationship with Jordan and their age gap. She also asked questions that would suggest that Pippen is dating Jordan to get back at Scottie.

The truth about Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen’s relationship has come out over the past few years. Fans thought that the dynamic on-court duo were great friends because of their great chemistry on the court. It has been revealed that the two men weren’t that close off the court and it came to the forefront when Pippen stated how he felt he was portrayed in “The Last Dance” documentary that aired on ESPN in 2020.

“There is a great deal in the ESPN documentary that has no business being in there,” Pippen wrote. “And a great deal that should be in has been left out. Bottom line: the doc fails to give my Hall of Fame career the treatment it deserves. Coming from someone who was my teammate and, supposedly, my friend, there is no excuse. It was almost as if Michael felt the need to put me down to lift himself up.”

As for Larsa, she took offense to the interview with Hall and felt she was ambushed. She recently commented under The Shade Room Instagram post with her feelings.

“She was very negative and judgmental. Her tone and facial expressions indicated she never wanted to have a fair conversation. If she Wants to audition for housewives I know somebody,” Pippen wrote.

Reality television star Porsha Williams went on “The Breakfast Club” and said that she feels Hall was trying to attack her when she made an appearance on her show.

“I didn’t expect her to agree with everything. But there was a turn where it turned from just her asking questions about the book to her kind of almost attacking me. Almost making me feel like I had to justify anything that I had going on. … It just didn’t feel good,” said Williams.

Hall’s Response

Hall spoke out in a recent interview with E! News to defend herself against the backlash.

“How I approach every interview [is] I want people to know that they’re in a safe space. I want them to know that this is an authentic conversation, and my job is not to waste the time of the people watching at home,” Hall said to E! News. “And so, that’s the goal. I don’t want you at home to do my job — you’re already giving me your time.”

Hall also said that she doesn’t benefit from ‘ambush’ interviews and she tries to always have a respectful environment.

The daytime talk show host addressed the rumors of guests not knowing the topics beforehand as well.

“They know the topics. But they don’t know the questions because if you know the questions it’s not an interview, it’s a PR stunt,” said Hall in her E! News interview.

She went on to explain that she invites guest to tell their own stories and it’s on them if they are unhappy with the answers they give.

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