Dallas Cowboys Are The Most Valuable Sports Franchise | $6.9 Billion Now The Global Standard

Jerry Jones knows what he is doing with America’s team. The boys in blue, deep in the heart of Texas, are now the most valuable sports organization in the world.

With a value of $6.92 billion, the Cowboys are the NFL’s most valuable franchise, according to Sportico. Jones sells silver and blue to the world and has marketed their brand of football to the world.

Additionally, the Cowboys are worth 52 times what owner Jerry Jones paid for the team 32 years ago, factoring in for inflation. In 1989, Jones bought the Cowboys for $140 million, quickly growing it to America’s Team.

Building A Franchise

In addition, last month Forbes had the Cowboys as the NFL’s most valuable on their franchise valuation list. The publication had the Cowboys worth $6.5 billion. Despite COVID-19 decimating sports for a time, the Cowboys valuation is up to $800 million. The valuation is an increase from their 2020 value.

“Take Cowboys owner Jerry Jones (net worth: $8.8 billion),” said Forbes writer Mike Ozanian. “He bought the franchise in 1989 for $150 million and has since added a number of big-ticket amenities, including a modern stadium stacked with luxury boxes.

“A new corporate headquarters and practice facility called The Star, a merchandising business and licensing arrangement with the NFL, and an equity stake in the stadium management company Legends, as well as investments in esports and a platform built to support youth sports. The team delivered operating profits of $425 million on revenue of $980 million in the 2019 season, record results for the franchise.”

However, second on Sportico’s list at $5.35 billion is the New England Patriots. Ironically, the team lands at second after losing Tom Brady and, more recently, Cam Newton.

Third on the list is the Los Angeles Rams, at $4.68 billion. Even at the other end of the spectrum, the sun still shines. The least valuable franchise is on the list is the Cincinnati Bengals. The team came in at $2.4 billion.

Life Goals

In short, we should all have life goals to own an NFL franchise. Here’s why:

According to Sportico, the average NFL franchise’s valued at $3.5 billion. Quantifying the value of an NFL franchise, team-related businesses, and real estate collectively is $112 billion.

Sportico’s complete top 10 list is as follows:
1. Dallas Cowboys ($6.92 billion)
2. New England Patriots ($5.35 billion)
3. Los Angeles Rams ($4.68 billion)
4. New York Giants ($4.63 billion)
5. San Francisco 49ers ($4.27 billion)
6. Washington Football Team ($4.25 billion)
7. New York Jets ($4.08 billion)
8. Chicago Bears (4 billion)
9. Philadelphia Eagles ($3.87 billion)
10. Houston Texans ($3.84 billion)

In the season opener tonight, the Cowboys are starting with a bang against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The defending Super Bowl champs are hosting Jerry Jones’ team and taking their talents on the road. Still, typically a repeat of last year’s championship game would start the season.

However, the power of the Cowboys brand demands a season opener brandishing the football prowess of Texas. Whether it’s the Chicago Bulls in their heyday or the Los Angeles Lakers, what’s already understood doesn’t require an explanation.

Jerry Jones has laid the blueprint for a successful sports franchise that can stand as a primer for business supremacy. Now they just need to return to their prowess as a sport’s powerhouse.

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