Young Steph Curry Predicts Future in ’90s Commercial

As the saying goes, “The apple doesnt fall too far from the tree.”

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When Riley Curry became a national media sensation during last years playoffs because of her undeniable cuteness and precociousness, and continued to enhance her public profile while doing the Nae Nae with her dad and Jeremy Lin this summer, most didnt realize that she comes by her natural star qualities honestly.

Stephen Curry first burst into the national spotlight years before he unleashed his jumpshot and handle on the AAU circuit, starring alongside his dad, the sharp-eye shooter for those great Charlotte Hornets squads in the mid to late 90s, in a series of Burger King commercials.

People seem to forget that Curry didnt just walk into a gym one day at Davidson College and miraculously morph into a wizard of the hardwood.

In addition to all of the hard work and preparation since the days that he was rocking a miniature version of Big Daddy Kanes fade, before he showed the world that he could get the job done, his dad Dell Curry just happened to be one of the best shooters in NBA history. He also had the luxury of learning from a great floor general, the inimitable Muggsy Bogues, who was his first point guard coach.

So young Steph definitely had a head start in terms of knowing the skills he needed to harness if he wanted to become a great basketball player.

Dont be surprised to see Steph and Riley in a remixed version of this coming soon. After all, when it comes to the Currys, the adorable thing is a family thing, for real.

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