Urban Meyer Circus Grows Old With Jacksonville Jaguars | He’s Lost The Locker Room & Confidence Of Franchise QB Trevor Lawrence

When Urban Meyer accepted the Jaguars head coaching position he did it based on the compensation offered and the team having the No. 1 overall pick in the 2021 NFL draft.

For some strange reason he believed the Jaguars were going to be better than their current 2-11 record. Boy, was he wrong. Now, he did also inherit a ton of cap space and a young roster with some talented pieces. But that talent also needs harnessing and developing.

The Jaguars took another L on Sunday, a brutal 20-0 demolition at the hands of the Tennessee Titans, as they spiral to the No. 1 overall pick in the draft.

Meyer was one of the most successful college coaches ever, winning three national championships during stops at Bowling Green, Utah, Florida and Ohio State. For a guy who’s won over 80 percent of his games as a head coach, losing isn’t something he’s used to.

The losses have worn on Meyer. This week he lashed out about the losing to his assistants that he handpicked.

A Rotting Culture | Urban Meyer & Jags Try to Duck 20th Straight Loss, Dodge Embarrassment This Weekend

Meyer Feeling The Pressure

Reportedly during a staff meeting, Meyer delivered a biting message that “he’s a winner and his assistant coaches are losers.” According to several people said to have knowledge about what happened in the meeting, Meyer reportedly also challenged each coach individually to explain when they’ve won and forced them to defend their coaching résumés.

Very odd move to disrespect the coaches he hired when Shad Khan awarded him the keys to the franchise.

Meyer Is No Stranger To Controversy: It Finds Him At Every Stop

Urban Meyer Has Long Been A Terrible Judge Of Character

Chris Doyle

Following his hiring, Meyer, then hired Chris Doyle as the Jaguars teams sports performance director. He and Doyle have been friends for over 20 years, and coaches tend to hire people they trust. Problem with that was Doyle was fired from Iowa for racist language and treating Black players differently. The hiring sent shock waves throughout the Jaguars team and NFL; it even received criticism from the Fritz Pollard Alliance. But in typical Meyer fashion, nothing he does is wrong, so he stood by decision.

“I vet everyone on our staff and, like I said, the relationship goes back close to 20 years and a lot of hard questions asked, a lot of vetting involved with our staff. We did a good job vetting that one. … I met with our staff and I’m going to be very transparent with all the players like I am with everything. I’ll listen closely and learn also there’s going to have to be some trust in their head coach that we’re going to give them the very best of the best, and time will tell. … I will say to the players I vetted him. I know the person close to 20 years and I can assure them there will nothing of any sort in the Jaguar facility.”

A day later, amid the heavy criticism and backlash, Doyle rightfully resigned. But Meyer didn’t fire him, he stepped down.


Zach Smith

While at Ohio State, Meyer totally disregarded his wide receivers coach Zach Smith domestically abusing his wife Courtney. Not to mention all the player indiscretions that occurred while he was winning multiple titles in Gainesville. Again nothing is ever Meyer’s fault, always someone else’s.

Meyer and Jags were also fined for OTA violations over the summer.

“A source close to the situation says the Jaguars were in violation during a June 1 practice in which the coaching staff did not instruct players to go through live contact work. However a few players wanting to impress the coaching staff, overextended into live contact.”

Tim Tebow

He then signed his former Gators quarterback Tim Tebow to play tight end, a position he’s never played. Much to the chagrin of many teammates and other tight ends on the roster, Meyer didn’t attend any of Tebow’s workouts but had this to say.

“He looks like he’s 18 years old, not 20 — whatever he is, 33. And I said, ‘Guys, you don’t understand. Now, this guy is the most competitive maniac you’re ever going to talk to, and let’s give it a shot.’”

Bar Scene

The videos of a young girl dancing on him at a bar that went viral let us know exactly what kind of season it would be for the Jags.

After calling Meyer’s actions “inexcusable and unacceptable” owner Shad Khan stuck by him.
RB Coach Thrown Under Bus
And we didn’t even mention his handling of the team’s running back situation. He instead opted to throw his running back coach Bernie Parmalee under the bus. Again, not Meyers’ fault.


Losing The Locker Room

At what point is being a great football mind and a popular celebrity in the college ranks not enough?

Meyer has brought nothing positive to the Jaguars since his hiring. The final proof that he lost his team a long time ago is star players QB Trevor Lawrence and RB James Robinson questioning his motives.

Robinson, who has rushed for 678 yards and seven TDs this season, was used sparingly in a Week 13 loss. Both Robinson, a second-year back and rookie Lawrence, were unhappy about how Meyer used the talented back and let it be known publicly.

“I’m the one that’s out there,” said Lawrence. “I see all the pieces moving, see the whole picture. The bottom line is James is one of our best players, and he’s got to be on the field. We addressed it, and I feel like we’re in a good spot.”

It’s a shame that Lawrence has to constantly speak to poor decisions made by his head coach. First it was the viral video of Meyer grinding with a young woman at his bar following a terrible loss by his Jaguars that dropped the team to 0-4.

Lawrence had to respond to that.

Setting Up Franchise QB For Failure

It’s hard enough being a rookie trying to find your way in the NFL on a bad team, but to have to discuss your coach’s lifestyle choices in a news conference is a setup for failure. Lawrence stopped believeing in Meyer that day. After Week 13, he’s definitely not feeling the situation he’s in.

If Khan continues down this road despite all of the red flags Meyer will continue to alienate the young roster and keep quality free agents from even considering Jacksonville.

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