Urban Meyer’s “Squeeze” Cayman Nebraska Lives Down The Block From His Ohio Bar | Messy Much?

Since Urban Meyer got caught with his side piece, the world has been abuzz about Meyer’s extra-football activities.

Or is it proclivities?

More information is coming out regarding Cayman Nebraska, the 24-year-old woman who went viral grinding on the Jacksonville Jaguars head coach.

According to the Daily Mail, Nebraska’s new $400,000 Ohio home is a stone’s throw from Meyer’s bar, Urban Chop House, just a mile outside Columbus, Ohio.

The bar is where the incident took place.


The videos of Nebraska and Meyer spread across social media last week after the Jaguars, which currently have a losing record of 0-5, lost to the Bengals 24-21 during Thursday Night Football from Cincinnati. After the game, the coach decided not to travel back with the team so he could visit family in Columbus.

However, he was captured on video with several young women at Urban Chophouse in Columbus, including Nebraska.

Meyer apologized to his players at a team meeting a week later for subjecting them and his wife Shelley to embarrassment. Meyer called it a ‘stupid mistake.’

“I apologized for the distraction with this huge week coming up, especially after they made so much improvement from Week 1 to Week 4,” Meyer said ahead of last Sunday’s game against the Tennessee Titans.

The Jaguars lost the game 37-19.

The Speech

Meyer specifically admitted that he ’embarrassed’ his wife Shelley, speaking with reporters after a team meeting, but seemed confident that his marriage would survive.

“I don’t want to get into our personal life but 37 years we’ve been together and it’s been awesome, man,” said Meyer. “And this speed bump’s not going to get in the way of that.”

A digital marketing executive, Nebraska purchased her home last month, which is close to Columbus, Ohio.

Since the video of her grinding up against the married head coach went viral last week, New Horizon Media Group, the firm where Nebraska works, has begun an internal investigation.

On Thursday, Nebraska’s mother told USA Today that her daughter is afraid to leave her home after facing abuse.

“I’m worried for her emotional status right now,” her concerned mother said. “(She) can’t even go anywhere. It’s ruining her life.”

The Ohio mother said she was praying for her daughter not to get fired because she needed to finance the newly purchased house.

“I just pray that Alex [the owner of New Horizons] doesn’t fire my daughter because she needs this job,” the woman said. “She just bought a house.”

Messy Much?

According to reports, New Horizon also said it was looking into whether the scandal would have any lasting effects on operations at the company. The firm does business with Urban Chophouse.

“We’re going to undertake our internal investigation to determine what, if any, impact this has on the company and we’ll proceed accordingly,” New Horizon Media Group told USA Today.

“We’ve had no prior issues with her whatsoever,” a rep for the company added, saying, “she’s been a very solid asset to the company.”

Meyer is one of three coaches to win a major college football national championship at two universities. The other two are Pop Warner and Nick Saban.

With the Jaguars being Meyer’s first professional football coaching gig, many can’t believe he is spending time frolicking in his bar instead of turning the Jags season around.

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