Tony Parker Ices The Miami Heat In Game 1

The San Antonio Spurs managed to come out rusty in Game 1 of the NBA Finals and still knock off the defending champions. Tony Parker and Tim Duncan were brilliant as the game got going, despite an 0-5 first quarter. He finished with 21 and 14, making it look easy in the process. But it was Parker's fourth quarter that put the Heat away. He scored 10 of his 21 in the fourth, including the dagger with 5.2 on the clock after he fell to the ground, got back up while spinning and shooting a floater that barely left his fingertips in time. 

It was enough to put the Spurs up 1-0 in the series despite LeBron James putting up 18, 18 and 10. Dwyane Wade added 17 points but the rest of the supporting cast seemed to be limited to jump shots. Someone will have to put up more points for Miami to win games in this series, or LeBron will need to average 30 points on top of his rebounds and assists. Plus, the team who wins Game 1 wins the series 70 percent of the time. 

Game 2 is in Miami on Sunday at 7:30 pm ET.



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