This Nutty Brooklyn Nets Headline Features An Unfortunut Typo

I've been known to write my fair share of unfortunate headlines. Most get caught by editors, the others live on in my mind and my Twitter hashtag #HeadlinesICantUse. However, somehow, someway Indiana's Evansville Courier & Press accidentally went with a NSFW castration pun in its headline for a wire story on the Miami Heat's Game 1 shellacking of the Brooklyn Nets.

For an added bonus, everyone missed the even larger implications. The AP photo used in the story features Kevin Durant, making this the second time in the span of a week that he's been featured beneath a controversial headline. One wonders if there's a conspiracy to besmirch Durant's good name afoot. 

I'm kidding, but I wonder if anyone has asked his opinion about this headline yet.

I own a "Deez Nets" shirt that often attracts eyeballs and chuckles whenever I rock it around New York City, but if this was available in T-shirt form, it would be way more conspicuous.

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