The Day Dwight Howard Signed With Houston Was Not A Good Day For Ice Cube

Ice Cube is hurting right now. Like most Laker fans, it’s safe to say that Dwight Howard’s signing with Houston on Friday was not a good day for Angelinos. Not since the Oakland Raiders left town has Ice Cube watched a sports figure take the escape route straight outta L.A.

Ice Cube doesn’t own a minority share in his favorite franchise like Jay-Z, but he does have a deep emotional investment in the Lake Show. Between performances at the King of the Mic tour, Cube ripped into Dwight Howard and even anointed him with a nickname that’s bound to catch fire in Los Angeles.

Ice also went into full Dan Gilbert-mode and promised that the Lakers would beat Dwight to a championship. It was a lot bolder when Gilbert made that proclamation in Cleveland, Ohio.

Via Hip Hop DX:

“Fu$# Dwight Howard, godda#* it,” Cube said. “We love LA! We don’t need no punk-ass muthaf***as on our team. We don’t give a fu** about a Dwight Coward. We don’t need no bitches on our team, homie. You don’t deserve to go up on that godda#* wall. So, I predict tonight Kobe [Bryant] will win another championship before Dwight Howard ever sniffs one.”

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