Roger Goodell Insists That Colin Kaepernick Hasn’t Been Blackballed

When asked on Thursday if Colin Kaepernick was being blackballed due to his decision to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem while protesting police brutality and societal inequities, NFL Commissioner  Roger Goodell said, No, teams make decisions (based) on whats in the best interest of their team and they make those decisions individually.

Right. In the best interest of making sense, team’s with a sincere interest in having a better chance at winning football games this year would have already signed the former 49ers quarterback. But that’s not what happened, is it?

Colin Kaepernick Blackball Quotes

There are other people who make those evaluations and thats a decision that those teams all make individually, Goodell said. Its not one that I would make as a commissioner.

He can sugarcoat it all he wants, but we all know the deal and refuse to fall for the okey-doke.

Richard Sherman and some of his NFL colleagues aren’t having any of it, especially after Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti consulted with fans and asked for prayers while the team mulled whether to offer Kaepernick a training camp invite.

For you to say you have to check with sponsors and fans because this guy took a knee and made a statement? Sherman said. Now if you told me this guy threw eight pick-sixes last year and played like a bum, had no talent, thats one thing. But Ryan Fitzpatrick, Ryan Mallett or whoever is playing for the Jets right now whoever is starting for the Jets is terrible have jobs. Youre telling me fans would rather you lose and put a worse player out there because a guy took a stand? Thats where its so troublesome to me.

I guess the NFL is oblivious to the fact that the longer this farce continues, the more they will ostracize a substantial portion of their fan base. Just ask author/activist Kevin Powell.

History will prove Colin Kaepernick right just like it did Muhammad Ali and Paul Robeson. Those who oppose and mock him are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of humanity. The National Football League is a greedy disgrace. Nonstop violence, concussions and head traumas everywhere, ex-players committing suicide due to head injuries, worst contracts of any major sports league, yet they are afraid of what Colin represents. There are players, coaches, executives, and owners who have engaged in all kinds of despicable and violent behavior. Yet they all have jobs, careers, and Colin does not. Colin’s “crime?” A silent and nonviolent protest against police brutality and racial profiling. The message is it is okay for football players and football culture to beat women, kills dogs, participate in the shooting and murder of folks, but God forbid you take a stand for justice in the realest sense. Freedom ain’t free and democracy just does not happen, people who have courage make it happen. And it is an utter disgrace, too, to see former players like Ray Lewis and Michael Vick say publicly that Colin needs to cut his hair, make it neater, to keep his politics private. Cowards are cowards every single day of the week, no matter how tough they claim to be on a sports stage. And Black self-hatred, an offshoot of American racism, is mad real. We cannot claim to be free if we simply say what we think some want us to say, or what they tell us to say. That is called slavery, y’all, mental or otherwise.

231 Likes, 26 Comments – Kevin Powell (@kevinpowellinbrooklyn) on Instagram: “History will prove Colin Kaepernick right just like it did Muhammad Ali and Paul Robeson. Those who…”

You’d have to be a special type of fool to ever take Goodell at his word, given his role in suppressing credible research on the effect that pro football has on the brain and looking at the extent that the NFL has gone to in creating drug addicts.

So Colin doesn’t have a job because not one NFL team is willing to take a chance in hiring him? Why is that? 

Because if that ain’t a conspiracy, then we don’t know what is.

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