Colin ‘Bougie’ Kaepernick? The Rock Reportedly Offered a Deal for The Exiled QB In The XFL, But Hasn’t Heard Back

Colin Kaepernick was once this generation’s version of Muhammad Ali. He is a man who stood on his principles of kneeling during the national anthem as a silent protest against police brutality. Then President Donald Trump riled his political base against him by calling him a “son-of-a-b***h” and calling for his removal from the game.

He last played for the 49ers in 2017, and opted out of the contract but has not signed anywhere else in the NFL. He still sits on the sidelines outside the National Football League while owners like Jerry Jones have flip-flopped by doubling down on the unspoken sentiment of the NFL requiring his players to stand. Eventually, he softened his tone, saying, in 2020, there was wiggle room due to “the times we’re in.”

Kaepernick still wants to play football. However, he still is on a crusade to play in the NFL, which is problematic when other offers to play professional football are on the table.

The XFL Factor

According to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kaepernick was invited to play in the XFL, and The Rock even met with Kaep’s agents. However, he claims he has not heard back from Kaep and his team.

“We met with Kap and his agents – whom I like a lot – earlier this year,” Johnson said to a fan in the comments section on Instagram. “Good meeting, looked to create an opportunity for him but I don’t think it’ll happen. We’ll see.”

Kaepernick wrote a letter to the New York Jets two weeks ago asking to join the practice squad after Aaron Rodgers’ season-opening Achilles injury.

“I would be honored and extremely grateful for the opportunity to come in and lead the practice squad,” Kaepernick wrote. “I would do this with the sole mission of getting your defense ready each week.

“This also would allow you guys as an organization to take a real look at where I’m at football wise, in game-like situations against an elite defense, while also not putting any competitive pressure on Zach [Wilson],” “I understand the importance of keeping him confident and focused as QB1, and I would only look to boost that confidence in any interactions that we may have.”


The Jets met the overture with deaf ears, but The Rock is ready with an outlet that will not only put Kaepernick back in the game but with a more sympathetic organization. So why wouldn’t he take the gig? Kaepernick must think the NFL is the only place where football is relevant and validated by the brand.

However, as every revolutionary knows, the system turns on you once you go against the system. For Muhammad Ali, boxing is a sport of renegades, so returning to the top fights was still an option once his license was restored from dodging the Vietnam War.

But not the NFL, and Kaepernick needs to understand that his legacy, newfound corporation affiliations, and thirst for the NFL can and will taint his image of advocacy.

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