RGIII is placed on IR

The RGIII era in Cleveland has just been placed on pause.

The Browns lost to the Eagles in yesterday’s opener and, to add insult to injury (literally), now the team is about to lose their new starting QB for a few weeks. RGIII, who threw for 190 yards before the injury, was diagnosed with a fractured left shoulder (non throwing shoulder) and placed on IR, which means that he’s expected to miss at least eight weeks.

“It’s very unfortunate, Robert came in and has worked extremely hard to learn our offense and earn the respect of his teammates,” Browns coach Hue Jackson said in a statement released by the club on Monday. “This is a tough loss because everyone has seen how invested he has been in this team and his dedication to the work needed to improve his craft. We all know these are the realities of the NFL, injuries occur and you have to find ways to overcome them so they don’t impede your progress. Robert will do everything in his power to rehab and get healthy but Josh McCown is on this roster for a reason and we have great confidence in him. He is more than capable. His veteran presence has been an asset to our team throughout our process of preparing for the season. We look forward to him assuming the role of the starter and leading our offensive unit.”

A tough start for RGIII and Browns fans but hopefully Griffin will come back strong.

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