“I Would Think He Was Black”: Mike Tyson Says The Way Donald Trump Has Been Mistreated By Media Is Consistent With “How They Did Black People” In This Country

Mike Tyson says as Black man in America, he can relate to the venom Donald Trump has faced in the press and media. During a recent interview with Semafor published last week, Tyson joined the growing legion of Black celebrities and athletes defending the former president by suggesting that the legal attacks on him are very relatable to the Black experience. 

Many Democrats feel this is all a tactic to gain Trump’s favor and often show disappointment in Blacks who are taking this position.

Some Black Athletes and Celebrities Are Pro-Trump?

Trump has used this unusual connection in the past in his attempt to garner more of the Black vote and secure voters that were unsure about their political allegiance, especially as Joe Biden’s presidential run started to spiral. 

“No, it won’t be part of my message,” Trump said, who once compared himself to Nelson Mandela, boasted that “the Black population” loved seeing his mugshot in Fulton County, and is regularly accused of reinforcing negative stereotypes by Democrats for personal gain. 

“I think it’s through osmosis. They [Black people] see what’s happening. And a lot of them feel that similar things have happened to them. I mean, they’ve expressed that to me very plainly and very clear. They see what’s happened to them,” Trump, 78, explained. 

Tyson has long history with Trump dating back to the 1990s when Iron Mike was incarcerated and put behind bars in an Indiana prison for a controversial conviction of rape, which he has continuously denied, alleging that the sexual relations were consensual. 

His former wife Robin Givens also took him for a ride, alleging on national TV in an interview with Barbara Walters that Mike was “violent” and “destructive” in her divorce papers. 

However, the 45th president went on record calling the conviction “a travesty” in a 1992 radio interview, per ‘CNN.

Mike Tyson Says Black People Can Relate To Donald Trump’s Experience

Tyson remembers Trump’s support and now he is offering his to the presidential candidate who survived an assassination attempt and has garnered, in the opinion of some, more street cred. 

In the minds of some twisted people, that endears him more to Black people. 

“If I never saw Donald Trump and didn’t know he was white, I would think that he was Black,” Tyson said during his interview. “The way they were treating him in the papers and in the press? Think about that, the way they treat him in court? That’s the way they did Black people.”

During the interview with Tyson, the reporter, who claimed he met Donald Trump in the great room at Mar-a-Lago six days after his own felony conviction, explained what Trump told him after just finishing a sit-down with Dr. Phil.

“I asked him, among other things, what I should take away from his warm relationship with the Black men who had been singing his praises to me,” the reporter wrote.

Said Trump:

“They see what I’ve done and they see strength, they want strength, OK,” he said. “They want strength, they want security. They want jobs, they want to have their jobs. They don’t want to have millions of people come and take their jobs. And we — that’s what’s happening. These people that are coming into our country are taking jobs away from African Americans and they know it.”

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In the meantime, Iron Mike is getting over an ulcer flare up that pushed back his high-anticipated May 15th exhibition with YouTube and boxing sensation Jake Paul, who this past week KO’d another MMA star attempting to box. 

They will meet on Nov. 15. Maybe Trump will attend the fight.

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