‘Let’s Just Say That Messages Have Been Delivered, And Not In A Soft Manner’ | Brian Windhorst Incurs Wrath Of Hotel Guest For Doing ‘Get Up’ Segment Too Loudly

With the NBA playoffs in full effect this weekend, ESPN has sent its analysts to different cities to see the action up close. In doing so the analysts are on various ESPN shows giving the world their point of view throughout the day. That was the case with lead NBA analyst Brian Windhorst, who over his time with the flagship company has always been out on the road and reporting back during the playoffs. 

Why Did Brian Windhorst Get In Trouble At Hotel?

During an appearance Monday morning on ESPN’s “Get Up,” “Windy,” as he’s affectionately known, was heard talking extremely softly. That caused the show’s host to ask why he was whispering.

Windhorst responded with this:

“Well, we all have adverse situations, and apparently someone in the hotel room next to me was not a ‘Get Up’ viewer and not happy about the early wake-up call here in Phoenix,” Windhorst said. 

“And let’s just say that messages have been delivered, and not in a soft manner. I’m trying to avoid having a wrap on any part of my body.”

Windhorst Says Hotel Manager Didn’t Tell Him To Quiet Down

Although the person who yelled at Windy reportedly didn’t call for the hotel’s manager, Windy also said they definitely made their point to keep it down. 

“This individual didn’t contact the manager,” Windhorst answered. “But their point was made, uh, very strongly, so I’m trying to respect my neighbors here in Phoenix before 7 a.m.”

Sounds like a smart move by Windhorst. Taking heed also may have prevented any other unnecessary drama. 

Windhorst Attended Same High School As LeBron James

Upon his arrival to ESPN in 2010, which happened right around the time of LeBron James’ infamous “The Decision,” it was always said that he was only hired because he went to the same high school as James. But Windhorst has actually become one of the better NBA analysts, and what separates him is his actually does his homework, unlike many others. 

But this incident shows you he also isn’t one to operate in any confusion or drama, as he looks to steer clear of any of that. 

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