LaMar Odom Is Big3 Bound, Sober, Turns 38 Today

Happy Birthday to a true warrior on and off the court.

Happy Birthday to Jamaica, Queens legend and two-time NBA Champion Lamar Odom, who turns 38 years old today. Odom enjoyed a 14-year NBA career that included two championships as a multi-faceted anchor in Kobe Bryant’s Lake Show. We told you back in 2017 that L-O was looking to join Ice Cube’s Big Three League when his former coach at Rhode Island, Jim Harrick told TMZ that Odom’s newfound sobriety has him ready to hear the roar of the crowd again as a Big3 featured act.

The news has recently been confirmed by Odom in tweets sent to Ryan Ward of Clutch Points. Odom told Ward that he plans to play in the BIG3 League next summer and told Hoops Hype that he would like to get an opportunity in China.

“I’m getting myself into game shape, which I’m not too far from it now,” Odom said. “I’ll be playing. Hopefully, I’ll be playing. I also plan to play in the CBA in China in 2019 … I just want to compete again. NBA2K is not enough.”

Odom, 37, has had a long journey back from the devastating effects of his break up with ex-wife Khloe Kardashian and his plunge into heavy drug use and risky living which culminated in him being found on a brothel bed, half dead from a drug overdose in 2015. The warrior survived 12 strokes and six heart attacks and was hospitalized for about three months.

In June, Odom surfaced from his rehab process, appeared on various shows, including Wendy Williams and opened up about his newfound sobriety and his past struggles.

Exclusive: Lamar Odom Talks Sobriety & Kardashians

Lamar Odom opens up in an exclusive interview about his sobriety, addiction, the Kardashians and how he’s rebuilding his life. Has he spoken with Rob Kardashian? Would he take Khloe back? Would he ever do reality TV again? Find out what he only tells Wendy.

The lanky 6-11 basketball savant who honed his skills on the playgrounds of South Jamaica, Queens during the nasty 90s, also reflected on his journey and the addiction, family, pain and redemption he’s experienced in a very honest essay that was published by the Players’ Tribune piece back in 2017.

Odom is one of the first victims of what they call the “Kardashian Curse,” named after the disasterous effects that Kris Jenner’s daughters have on the lives of lovers and husbands who were sane and well functioning, successful people before hooking up.

After surviving the streets of South Jamaica and being raised by his grandmother because his father was a heroine junkie and mom died of colon cancer when he was 12, Odom rose to become an NBA superstar with fame beyond his wildest dreams —  only to fall victim to the same ills that he escaped once he met Khloe Kardashian and former a fairytale power couple built in reality show inauthenticity. They were married from 2009-2016 and his life spiraled into a living hell of depression, drug addiction and sexual addiction during that time.

He wasn’t alone in his battle back from the faceless evils of addcition. He had fans from around the world rooting for his recovery.

A Letter To Lamar Odom

Stay Strong and Keep Your Head Up

Thankfully, Odom rehabilitated himself, exorcized those demons and he’s celebrating his 38th birthday sober and with so much life to live as he plans to return to the basketball court where he will surely be reminded by fans that champions aren’t easily forgotten.

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