“George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

“George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” The Kanye quote on a telethon raising money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina goes down as one of the most memorable in history. The funny came watching the man standing at his side, comedian Mike Myers.  Remember the look on his face?  He seemed dumbfounded at the audacity of Kanye saying such a thing on national television.

Myers has been silent about it for the past nine years. Initially, his quiet spoke volumes to many onlookers. But the incident passed from the public’s notice as the news cycle rotated to other issues. Now it’s back front and center as Mike Myers spoke in the June issue of GQ magazine saying he was, “super proud.”

“For me it isn’t about the look of embarrassment on my face, it is truly about the injustice that was happening in New Orleans. I don’t mind answering the question but the emphasis of it being that I’m the guy next to the guy who spoke a truth. I assume that George Bush does care about black people—I mean I don’t know him, I’m going to make that assumption—but I can definitively say that it appeared to me watching television that had that been white people, the government would have been there faster. And so to me that’s really the point—the look on my face is, to me, almost insulting to the true essence of what went down in New Orleans.”

Amen. But this video is still hilarious.

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