Dwight Howard is Cheating On Mike D’Antoni…With Phil Jackson

Dwight Howard is loving some LA drama these days. Earlier in the week, he dished on the Orlando Magic, saying they only surrounded him with players no one else wanted. He then talked about his injury and said he could have waited until now to play, but didn't. 

But his greatest move is behind the scenes, just a subtle hint at his last session with the press.

"I've had people really just help me out," Howard said. "Guys like Phil [Jackson], he texts me and he understands how it is to come off back surgery. He just said it takes a full year to recover, so you can't beat yourself up over the things that have happened this year."

So he and the Zen Master have been texting back and forth as Howard battles through injury. How typical. 

The only question that remains is how much Dwight is really feelin' his flair for the dramatic. His contract is up at the season. Are we about to see a Phil Jackson-sized demand for D12 to remain in LA? 

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