Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Is Being Sued For Paternity By Woman Who Claims She’s His Love Child

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is being sued, The Dallas Morning News is reporting. The plaintiff is a 25-year-old congressional aide from north Texas who claims Jones is her biological father. The lawsuit filed in Dallas County, Texas by, Alexandra Davis states that Jones and her mother Cynthia Davis had a relationship in the mid-1990s, resulting in her birth.

In the lawsuit she also claims that Jones and Cynthia Davis reached a settlement that required Jones to financially support the mother and child, in exchange for a promise to not publicly identify Jones as her father.

Jones has been married to Eugenia Jones since 1963.

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Alexandra Davis seeks a court finding that she’s not legally bound by the agreement if she were to attempt to prove that Jones is her father. She also wants a declaration from the court that the settlement agreement should be unenforceable under Texas law.

The suit also mentions health concerns for her mother and that she has feared losing financial support from Jones if she ever told anybody he was her father, according to the Dallas Morning News.

This isn’t a league issue. The Cowboys and any football-related business would be unaffected by a court finding. Eugenia and Jerry’s kids might have something to say about all of this. But that’s a family matter.

He’s one of the wealthiest men in America and owns the most popular sports team in the country. This isn’t the first time he’s found himself in a compromising situation. Pictures of Jones fondling young women appeared online in 2014.

The Dallas Morning News reported Alexandra Davis, who was born Dec. 16, 1996, was determined by a genetic test during divorce proceedings not to be the child of her mother’s then-husband, who was not ordered to pay child support in the finalized divorce.

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The court ruled Alexandra Davis did not have a legal father. After receiving the paternity test, Cynthia Davis told Jones he was the father, according to the suit. Jones told her he was unable to have children and his lawyers negotiated a financial settlement to “exchange money for silence,” according to Alexandra Davis’ legal claim states.

Court documents said Jones agreed to pay a lump sum of $375,000 for confidentiality and set up two trusts for Alexandra Davis. Alexandra Davis would receive “certain monthly, annual and special funding” from the trusts until she turned 21, after which she would receive annual lump sums at 24, 26 and 28 years old, according to court documents. The trust purportedly was under the name of a friend of Jones, presumably done to conceal the Cowboys owner’s identity.

Is Alexandra Davis seeking a bigger payout from Jones? Is she hoping he settles to keep more information from getting out? What other info could she have? What are the ramifications if she can prove paternity?

This could be a bad look for Jones. He’s married, and if the allegations in the lawsuit are proved to be true, he had an affair, fathered a child, and paid the mother to go away.

Jones is one of the most visible owners in all of sports and has weekly media spots on local Dallas media. Curious to see if he’s asked or addresses the situation.

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