Colin Kaepernick, Dave Chappelle Honored At Harvard University

Just when you thought life couldnt get any more redeeming for Colin Kaepernick, Harvard University will honor him, along with legendary comedian Dave Chappelle and eight others who will receive the W.E.B. Du Bois Medal for their contribution to African-American history and culture. 


Colin Kaepernick & Dave Chapelle are being honored the W.E.B. Du Bois Medal because both have significantly contributed to the African American history and culture & advocated for our right on this American soil! We couldn’t be more proud #BlackExcellence

This latest award will be one of many the activist has received since he embarked on his mission as a change agent for protesting police brutality and other injustices.  

Kaepernick risked it all so that the country’s original sin could be brought to the forefront and addressed. The firestorm he created led to a sometimes racist , sometimes angry but overall healthy dialogue throughout the country. The two-year process dating back to 2016 when Kaep first took a knee and was eventually blackballed by the NFL owners who lashed out at the players freedom of expression revealed many things about our country. 

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Here is the video from Malcolm Jenkins in the locker room. He had no interest in talking about Trump or the National Anthem because the message keeps getting lost. “You aren’t listening,” one sign read. (: @SheilKapadia)

Winning awards and fearlessly diving into humanitarian work is nothing new for Kaepernick. Since becoming a free agent in 2017, Kaepernick completed a September 2016 pledge to donate $1 million to organizations working in what he called oppressed communities.

Kaepernick was named GQ’s Citizen of the Year in November and in December accepted the 2017 Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award

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It is a rare person who gives up what he loves in exchange for what he believes. Colin Kaepernick is the winner of SI’s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award.

He has also received the Eason Monroe Courageous Advocate Award from the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California in December. In April Amnesty International awarded Colin Kaepernick its Ambassador of Conscience Award for his public protest against racial and social injustice.

The award, which was presented to Kaepernick at a ceremony in Amsterdam, Netherlands,  is Amnesty International’s highest honor, according to its website. Past winners include Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, U2, Alicia Keys and Ai Weiwei. 

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Amnesty International gave former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick its Ambassador of Conscience Award on Saturday for his kneeling protest of racial injustice.

Dave Chappelle is a perfect person to receive Harvards honor along with Kaep. For one, he’s been a staunch Kaep supporter from the jump. Chappelle also sacrificed millions in potential earnings in the prime of a career that had seen him rise to megastar status on the backs of jokes often degrading to his people. 

Although, Chappelle did attempt to infuse some socially conscious material into his comedy the TV network wanted Dave to go heavier on the stereotypes and culturally demeaning portrayals of his own people. Instead of completely selling his soul to the game, Chappelle turned down a $55 million dollar TV deal with Comedy Central, fled to Africa for some reflection and returned a more enlightened, serious and socially conscious individual. 

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Dave Chapelle goes off on critics of Michelle Wolf’s routine at the #WHCD. “I think she nailed it. I thought it was beautiful. I didn’t see her pander once and I thought that was beautiful.”

His soul wasnt right and similar to Kaepernick, Chappelle followed his heart and returned hotter than ever with his integrity intact. He’s been an advocate for the Black community, vocal with his feelings about Black men dying at the hands of trigger-happy cops. He’s unwavering in his political opposition of Trump, while still being able to sell out shows. 

Kaepernick could have saved himself some trouble and heartache by standing for the anthem, signing with a team, breaking records and securing a Nike deal with his physical abilities. Instead, he held firm in his beliefs, weathered the storm, endured mass criticism and attacks and got the Nike deal anyway. 

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Colin Kaepernick debuts his first ad for Nike. Powerful stuff.

The prestigious W.E.B Du Bois medal is just the latest affirmation of his magnificence. Here we have two examples of African-American men who are winning and they didnt have to sell out to a damn person or corporation to do it. 

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