‘You’re A Stat Sheet Junkie’ | Kwame Brown Calls Out LeBron James For Not Getting A Shot Off In The Closing Seconds Of Game 4 Loss

Ex-NBA player Kwame Brown is apparently angry at LeBron James for failing to score the game-winning basket Monday in Game 4 of the Western Conference finals. The Lakers were swept by the Denver Nuggets. Brown posted a video on social media where he goes on on LeBron for not being great.

“If I had a LeBron James jersey, I’d be burning it right now,” Brown said in a video posted to social media Wednesday. “If I had a LeBron James jersey it would be on fire right now. … I must say, the bust is upset. … I discovered, LeBron, you not that, bruh. I’m sorry. I can’t hate to say it — you’re a stat sheet junkie. You a bad boy when it comes to stats. Throughout history, the little nerds are gonna look up your stat line, and they gonna say ‘He’s gotta be the greatest player to ever play the game.’ And people who actually play are gonna know that is bulls**t.”

LMFAO. Forgive us while we laugh at this ludicrous sentiment from Brown. He can’t be serious right?

Is Kwame Brown Serious?

Clearly this is Brown’s attempt at remaining somewhat relevant and generating headlines. There is no way he actually believes the nonsense he is spewing.

LeBron is quite possibly the greatest basketball player of all time. All the accolades and stats support it. Is he perfect? No. Is he unbeaten in the NBA Finals? No. Does he come up with the winning shot or play every time? Nobody does. This is the highly competitive world of sports.

The play in question that has Brown really fired up was the Lakers’ final offensive possession.

LeBron attacked the basket but was double teamed by Jamal Murray and Aaron Gordon. Murray got his hands on the ball to stop Bron’s momentum which allowed Gordon to block the attempt as time expired.


“I have never seen a guy of your caliber, supposed caliber, you don’t even get a shot off?” said Brown. “You’re probably the best scorer in the game, you got all these points. But you were looking for a bailout, again.” 

Jamal Murray And Aaron Gordon Made A Great Play on LeBron James

That’s just a great basketball play. Sometimes defense beats offense. Not every player would’ve gotten a shot off in that moment. Though Brown begs to differ, stating Richard Hamilton and Gilbert Arenas would’ve gotten shots off.

It is fair to critique players’ games. That’s the job of analysts, commentators, and media. But that critique must be based in facts and have actual evidence to support it.

Basketball is a complex team game of 5 on 5. Contrary to what so many think, it is not five individual games of 1 on 1.

Rewatch the play. A LeBron drive to the basket down two offered the best shot outcome and possibility. But notice the gamble Murray makes. He is guarding Rui Hachimura but decides to leave him and double LeBron. Hachimura drifts into the paint and is occupied by Nikola Jokic.

LeBron could’ve passed to Anthony Davis who was wide open on the weak side for a three and the win. But that pass would’ve been incredibly difficult to pull off with Gordon draped all over him. Plus there is no guarantee Davis (33 percent from three in the playoffs), who hadn’t taken a three all night, would’ve hit the shot.

LeBron made the calculation that he would be strong enough to get past a Murray dig and get the shot up over Gordon. It didn’t work out. It be like that sometimes.

Brown is widely seen as an NBA bust, and he did not live up to his draft expectations. This rant just seemed like a desperate attempt from someone looking to make a headline. Mission accomplished.

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