What About The Children? | YouTuber Loses Her Mind After Topless Women Attended Utah Football Game; Police Are Investigating

Two topless women attended the University of Utah’s football game this past weekend against Southern Utah. A YouTuber and mother of two who attended the game is outraged because her kids might have seen some nipples. The University of Utah’s police department has opened up an investigation.

The women were mostly covered in paint and it wasn’t as though they were fully nude.

According to the school, a female police officer asked the women to put on their tops and they complied. But now police want to see if criminal charges against these women should be filed.

A YouTuber named Melea Johnson was at the game with her family, including two children, and, apparently, she was so outraged she decided to make a federal production out of it, tagging the University of Utah in a lengthy social media post.

“There were 2 TOPLESS GIRLS yesterday at the Utah Football game!😡 This was the first time bringing my 2 kids and I was so excited to finally have them experience a live football game at my alma-matter.😢
No one working the stadium stopped them at the gate, security guards just stared and let them walk by….no one did anything!
Is this literally what our world is coming to?!
We can’t even go to a family-friendly college football game without our kids & family being exposed to nudity?? And the stadium and security for the event won’t step in or escort them out because they’re worried, they’ll get sued because of discriminatory laws??🤯 👈🏻(that’s what they told me!)
Are you kidding me?! This is NOT ok @utahfootball ‼️
Instead of this post being about how excited I was to take my kids to their very first game… I now feel like I have to post about this issue to try to create some noise and get the stadium to change their rules!
Would you be ok with this at your team’s stadium?? Especially with your kids there?”


What are we doing? Seriously.

It’s 2022, those kids have likely seen far worse on the internet than some girls in body paint with their tops off. These women weren’t running around flashing people. Honestly, what actual harm was done. Did her kids actually see nipples? Also, why does it matter if they saw nipples?

This woman’s prude and puritanical attitudes are emblematic of a large segment of this country’s views towards the governance of bodies and sex.

It’s a college football game, there is nothing wholesome or “family-friendly” about college football. Did she hear foul language from fans during the game? It’s likely she did. Is that also a problem for her and her family?

Did they tailgate pregame? If so, they likely saw excessive drinking and all sorts of interesting activities from game day attendees. Does she want tailgating banned?

Johnson and her family chose to attend a public event, she can want a certain experience, but nothing is guaranteed. If two women who eventually put their tops on stopped Johnson and her family from enjoying the game, it’s likely she wasn’t going to enjoy it anyway.

We’ve all encountered someone like Johnson. An incident occurs that in the grand scheme of things isn’t a big deal, but they obsess over it like a dog with a bone. Making a mountain out of a molehill.

Curious how other parents with children in attendance felt about the topless women.

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