“We Have People Clean For Us, We Have People Make Our Food” | Tom Brady Says Being Filthy Rich Makes It Hard To Raise His Kids

Tom Brady has had mythic-level success on the gridiron in winning seven Super Bowls while playing in ten. He’s also broken a ton of records and is recognized by most as the GOAT. For Brady, all the gridiron success has allowed him iconic celebrity and a life of luxury. That, along with having a supermodel wife in Gisele Bundchen, has afforded his children luxuries and privileges most can only dream of. Yes, that may sound amazing, but Brady says it also doesn’t allow his children any sense of reality.

During a recent appearance on the “Drive” podcast with Jim Farley, Brady talked about that very subject.

“We have people that clean for us. We have people that make our food. We have people that drive us to the airport if we need that. … We get off a plane and there’s people waiting there for us and we’re ushered in.

“That’s my kids’ reality, which is the hard part to say, ‘Guys, this is not the way reality is.’ … What can we do about that?”

Brady sounds like he’s trying to figure out a way to maybe give them a sense of reality without changing things too much. But it’s also the reason some believe Brady retired for all of 44 days before returning, because he wasn’t ready to be a stay-at-home dad just yet. And if you look beyond what he’s literally saying, sounds like he has a house full of brats, and that’s never fun.

Only Brady truly knows, but there was a prevailing theory among fans and journalists that Brady unretired and returned for his 23rd season for that very reason.

Brady Discusses His Childhood Experiences Versus His Children’s

During the interview Brady talked about his and Gisele’s modest upbringings, compared against the lavish, fairytale lifestyle his children are experiencing.

“It’s honestly a great question, and it’s probably the hardest thing for us as parents with myself and my wife,” Brady said. “My wife grew up in rural Brazil, the furthest state south … very small kind of farming town. Very simple girls, two bedrooms in her house, one for her parents, one for her and one for her five sisters. You know? I grew up in a middle class family in California. My dad worked his ass off for our family. My mom stayed at home, took care of the kids. I saw my mom work every day to take care of us, make food for us every night, and wash our clothes.”

Safe to say Brady’s children know nothing of the sort and probably never will, so his hope for a sense of reality seems a bit far-fetched. Brady’s comments/complaints about his kids’ glorious life also sounds a lot like the privilege he and wife Gisele have been afforded, and it’s now a part of his children’s daily life.

How Much Longer Before Brady Enters Stay-At-Home Dad Phase

When Brady retired for those 44 days many believed the former Michigan Wolverines star was entering his carpool days. That ended quickly, and now the question is how much longer does “TD Tommy” see himself throwing touchdowns on the gridiron?



With him set to hit free agency in 2023, the strong-armed signal-caller has been pretty quiet on his future intentions. But he did say he won’t play until he’s 50. He’ll be 45 in August.


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