“We Had A Couple Of Fights, Which I Like…I Always Want To Know Who Won” | Coach Prime Likes Fights At Practice But His Team Better Win Games

University of Colorado head football coach Deion Sanders said the team had a good week of practice and some fights broke out. Coach Prime said he likes fights and he wants to know who wins. All that is well and good, but Prime’s Buffaloes are 4-5 and they likely need to win out to assure a postseason bowl berth. Maybe less time on this performative stuff?

“We’ve had a great week of practice. We had a couple of fights, which I like,” Prime said on the “Colorado Football Coaches Show” this week. “It’s a great thing. I always want to know who won because I keep records. I don’t break them up. Some coaches break them up. I don’t. Some guys fight hoping for the breakup. No, we’re going to let you go.”

A Bit Too Much Performative Rhetoric

Football is a tough sport and players need physical and mental toughness to play it. But this whole keeping records and some kids want you to stop the fight stuff; who does that serve, besides Prime?

We get it: You’re one of the greatest athletes to ever play sports and probably the best CB of all time in professional football. You were tough as a player. As a coach, you also want tough players who don’t back down and who win fights, great.

Here’s the reality. After a 3-0 start, your team has lost five out of their last six games. Maybe spend more time on executing the fundamentals by the position coaches, more time on situational execution, inspiring your athletes to find something within themselves to perform better?

All of these seem like much better things to be talking about heading into Saturday’s pivotal game against no. 23 Arizona.

But this is Prime and this is what you sign up for. There will be some good and even excellence with time. But there will also be a whole lot of performative rhetoric and commentary.

Buffaloes Better Win Games

“So, we did have a couple fights this week, and I love it. They’ve been getting after it. It’s almost like a rededication. It’s almost like a refocus. I love where we are. We’ve had great practices this week, offense, defense, as well as special teams,” Prime continued.

The proof will be in the pudding on Saturday. The Buffaloes likely need to win their remaining three games, which would get them to 7-5, and just about guarantee a postseason bowl, which will be important for building toward next season and beyond.

Though, knowing how bowl selection committees work, they want teams that have fan bases that’ll travel well and draw big TV ratings. Win, lose, or draw, Prime knows how to put on a show.

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