W’s All Around For Team Obama

Election Day? You wouldn’t know it by keeping tabs on Obama. It was just another day on the calendar for the President. In fact, he was ballin’. Literally. While Mitt Romney conducted last minute campaigning in the swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio, Obama was doing his thing on the basketball court, playing pick up ball with Scottie Pippen at the Hope Athletic Center on Chicago’s west side.

It was the only sweat Obama broke yesterday.  

The President balled up in the afternoon, and balled out after his victory (not exactly, but just go with it). Good for him, though. Don’t we all aspire to handle stress so well?

Let it be known, Obama’s pick up squad enjoyed a 20-point beat down on their competition. It’s probably safe to say he enjoyed his Presidential victory more. However, if the game had any indication on the outcome of the election, the motto held true – “ball never lies.” W’s all around for Team Obama.

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