UTC Football Coach Chris Malone Gets Fired For Racist Tweet About Stacey Abrams

Indicative of the times we live in, former assistant football coach Chris Malone has been fired due to his racist Twitter fingers and privilege.

But is it really a sign of the times or should we caveat that with “all the damn” times?

With the rousing victory of blue over red in the state of Georgia, led by cheated gubernatorial candidate turned lightning rod of Democratic resurgence Stacey Abrams, the nation tetters on the brink of chaos as insurrectionists rush the United States Capitol and a madman’s Twitter account is rendered dormant out of concern for national security, mainstream Americans are absolutely going apesh*t. 

Malone was fired following what was deemed “hateful, hurtful and untrue’’ comments he felt at liberty to put into a tweet.  

 “Yesterday, Chris Malone, a UTC football coach, posted a tweet regarding Stacey Abrams,” UTC Chancellor Steven R. Angle said in a video posted to the school’s official Twitter account on Thursday.  

“University faculty and staff are expected to lead in a way that achieves and maintains a respectful and tolerant civil campus environment,” he continued. “The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga does not tolerate, and unequivocally condemns, discrimination and hatred in all forms.” 

UTC also released statements from the school’s Vice-Chancellor and Director of Athletics Mark Wharton, as well as the head football coach, Rusty Wright. 

“Last night, a totally inappropriate social media post by a member of our football staff was brought to my attention,” Wharton’s statement read. “The entire post was appalling. The sentiments in that post do not represent the values of our football program, our Athletics department or our University.” 

“With that said, effective immediately, that individual is no longer a part of the program,” he concluded. 

 “Football program has a clear set of standards” that “include respecting others … a message our players hear daily.”  

“Life is bigger than football and as leaders of young men, we have to set that example, first and foremost,” Wright continued. “With that said, effective immediately, that individual is no longer a part of my staff.” 

Yeah, but like the old saying goes, for every termite you see, there’s one hundred you don’t see.

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