“Y’all, @Tyrese On Here Callin WNBA Players Musty”: “Fast and Furious” Actor, After Owing $73K In Child Support, Questions Hygiene Of $300M NBA Star Jaylen Brown’s Girlfriend

Despite actor and singer Tyrese Gibson being in a heap of financial and legal troubles for failure to pay child support, he decided to take what many X users and WNBA players consider a shot at their overall hygiene, with a comment he made on a repost of a clip posted by Kysre Godrezick, a former WNBA player and current girlfriend of Boston Celtics star Jaylen Brown. 

Less than 10 minutes after the judge ordered Gibson jailed, his attorneys appealed the decision, according to reports.

Tyrese isn’t an inmate at this time, but he is doing a great job making himself an enemy of the WNBA. 

After his comments, Las Vegas Aces player and social media comedian and pot-stirrer Sydney Colson fired back at Gibson for trying to make a joke at the expense of Gondrezick, who posted the inspirational video as a positive example of how she is successfully moving on and still pursuing her dream after playing her final WNBA game for the Chicago Sky early this season.

“Y’all, @Tyrese on here callin WNBA players musty. Can we find out what game he was at?” Colson posted.

After questioning Gibson’s WNBA attendance credentials, Colson went in again and checked his grammar.

Tyrese Owed More Than $73K In Child Support, Ordered To Jail

A judge in Georgia on Monday ordered the actor and singer jailed over his failure to make child support payments.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Kevin M. Farmer found Gibson, a music artist and “Fast & Furious” franchise star, in contempt for failing to pay more than $73,000 in child support, according to an order for incarceration reviewed by NBC News.

Samantha Gibson’s attorney, Adam Gleklen, said Tuesday that she did not want her ex-husband ordered to jail but that he has very rarely met the full child support payments since late 2022.

“Mr. Gibson has chosen not to abide by the court’s child support order and he was held in willful contempt now for the third time,” Gleklen said in a statement. “He only paid full child support three times in 20 months.”

Tyrese Cries On Social Media Over Custody and Child Support

Gibson has often lamented on social media about having to pay child support and how the judge who is making these decisions is anti-male. He wants to be taken seriously. In this instance, he thought he was being funny, and nobody caught the joke.

In fact, Colson’s post instigated a bandwagon of social media fans to join in the roast of Gibson, who is probably regretting that tweet at this moment.  If it was sympathy he once craved, he lost most of that.

Fans Start Roasting Tyrese Following Comments About WNBA Players Smell

Plenty of people found his humor either confusing and unnecessary or offensive.

He left himself wide open for attacks on his own personal life.

“It’s gonna smell even worse in jail if he don’t pay that child support,” one X user warned.

”He need to be worrying bout that child support,” said another.

“I’ll never forget Taraji said his breath stink on Baby Boy,” another wrote.

The conversation morphed into a debate about levels of must and which sports produce the most must from its players.

“I bet he musty in jail,” one X user exclaimed.

“lol They are literally playing their asses if they won’t smell like roses,” said one voice of reason.

With WNBA players having a 0 percent tolerance policy for the nonsense, maybe Tyrese — whose entire remaining fanbase is probably 95 percent women — should stop typing and start working on fixing his life … and refrain from visiting any WNBA arenas anytime soon.

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