TSL Sports Talk Recap: Scoop Jackson

ESPN.coms Scoop Jackson joined us this week to talk all things NBA. Here are a few highlights.

On the Hawks 19-game stretch:

“I dont think were going to see another 19-game run like that. I think well see another stretch of 10, maybe 12 games. Im sure we wont see an epic fall off. I dont think theyre going to have a 19-game losing streak either. But for the regular season, I think weve seen them play their best basketball. I think they will continue to beat teams in the East during the regular season and let us basically know that they are for real, to a certain degree. As well as theyre playing now, I still have not jumped on the bandwagon. To think that theyre going to get past the second round in the playoffs in the East, I dont know why, maybe its the eye test, right now in a 7 game series, I just dont see them beating Washington, Bulls or the Cavaliers.”       

If they should expand the All-Star roster from 12 players to 15:

“I dont agree [that it should be expanded]. Even on at 12-man roster, you get cats in there who barely get to do anything. Its a wasted weekend. It looks nice on your resume that you made the All-Star team, you got selected for it, but the playing time! Its hard to get coaches, even in play games to think about balancing men. Youre not going to have people turning into a John Calipari, and start splitting everybody five minutes down the line. Its not going to happen. So you have players there on the 12-man roster that dont get the run that theyre supposed to. To add and make it 15, I think it doesnt make any sense.”    

Listen to the full interview above to hear more on the NBA and upcoming All-Star Weekend.

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter:@TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected].

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