Trump: NFL Players Protesting Racial Injustice Don’t Have A Real Issue

President Donald Trump hasnt stopped in his efforts to demonize NFL players who kneel for the anthem to bring light to social injustice and police brutality in America. He has continued to misconstrue the issues and tried to create divisiveness instead of unity among the players, owners and the people of this country.   

On Friday Trump took another classless shot at African-American NFL players by telling Fox News that the “protesters,” (more like freedom fighters) who are trying to raise awareness about racial injustice, don’t “have a real issue.”

Trump, who has been the driving force behind the leagues new policy against kneeling for the anthem, says players shouldn’t be allowed to “escape to the locker room.” Hes keeping the pressure on as far as his stance that all of the players should stand and after months of players and people with common sense explaining and explaining their platforms, Trump continues to make them and anyone who doesn’t bow down to him enemies of the State. 

Robert De Niro Wins A Standing Ovation For Saying F Trump

Robert De Niro has always been outspoken against 45, but he kicked it up a notch at the 2018 Tony Awards. Subscribe to The Shadow League on YouTube: Check out more from the League here:

Trump disinvited the Eagles and The Golden State Warriors from White House visits and he seems to think that his way of showing respect for the plight of Blacks in America or appeasing NFL players, is meeting with Kim Kardashian and commuting the sentence of a nonviolent drug trafficker at Kim K West’s request.   

Trump has gone as far as to publicly invite NFL players to offer their own suggestions as to who he should let out of jail. But its just Trump posturing as usual and trying to make the players abandon their social consciousness and be good CTE victims. 

Trump has said that if any player has a friend or family member that was treated unjustly by the criminal justice system or police and subsequently incarcerated, then he will personally review the cases and if his team finds any wrongdoing, will immediately pardon the person and let them out of prison. 

BET on Twitter

He [wants to] say he did something for Black people that Obama didn’t.”

The bigger issue, of a much-needed criminal justice reform effort, is being ignored with Trump’s latest PR stunt. Also being lost is the fact that Trump’s attorney general has tried to crack down and pursue the harshest sentences possible under current law while rolling back Obama Policy faster than Tekashi69 catches beef. 

Its Trump throwing a grenade with his right hand and petting a dog with his left. He does it all the time. He creates chaos to gain control because in the same breath, as he tries to make himself seem sympathetic and a hero in the cause, he offers a window into his diaper thinking and dismissive attitudes towards issues that are important enough to African-American football players for them to risk their jobs.

The Shadow League on Twitter

Malcolm Jenkins didn’t want to answer questions about Trump or the National Anthem. He held these signs up instead. (: @MikeGarafolo)

Trump explained he doesn’t think the NFL players have “a real issue” in the first place.

The entire exchange is worth reading because it illustrates exactly the disconnect between the players, who are protesting the systemic treatment of people of color, and Trump, who wants to do favors for an individual, according to CNN: 

Doocy: You mentioned NFL players, some taking a knee. Would you like to hear some of the stories of people who you should pardon? You mentioned professional athletes. Have you heard from any of them?

Trump: No, I haven’t heard. They are all saying it has nothing to do with the flag. The way we’ve been treated. Meantime they’re making $15 million a year. I’m all for the athletes. I think it is great. I love athletics, I love sports, but shouldn’t get politics involved. When you’re in a stadium, broadcast national — you should be proud and have your hand up, do everything that is right and play really tough football. Once you leave the stadium, go do whatever you want to do. Run for office, do whatever. But I did say, you know I have this tremendous power of pardon and Kim Kardashian came in and woman 22 years in jail.

The Daily Wire on Twitter

Trump: I’ll Meet Kneeling NFL Players Who Want To Ask For Pardons On Behalf Of Convicts @benshapiro

Doocy: People can’t believe you would be listening to Kim Kardashian.

Trump: I did. I don’t know her. I met her. She is really nice, I have to say, and very capable. But she came in and she said this is a very unfair situation. I looked at (Alice Johnson). I agree. She is in there for 22 years. She got another 20 years to serve. You have drug dealers doing big stuff and they get a two-month sentence. It was just unfair. And I thought it was a beautiful scene when that woman left prison and ran over to, looked like her grandkids. A couple of big strong guys, big strong guys. Some wonderful women. They’re all hugging, kissing everyone is crying. To me, that was a beautiful scene. She thanked me but, thank Kim because I wouldn’t have known about it.

I told the NFL players indirectly, I said you have somebody — they’re saying people are aggrieved. Let me know about it I will look at it. If they’re aggrieved I will pardon them. Steve: I’m shocked you haven’t heard.

Trump: Maybe they called the staff I have not personally heard from one. I don’t think it’s a real issue. I don’t think it’s a real issue.

Typical Trump. Some people still don’t get or just don’t want to accept the fact that Colin Kaepernicks player protests were never about getting a pardon for one person or a couple of falsely convicted drug offenders. 

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said back in August of 2016 at the beginning of his effort. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

It’s about a specific element of racial injustice related to criminal justice and bail. They cited statistics that show people of color are more likely to be kept in jail awaiting trial because they can’t afford to get out.

“A system that keeps people locked up because of poverty is morally reprehensible,” wrote Jenkins, Anquan Boldin, Doug Baldwin and Eric Reid. “It also has outsized effects. As people sit in jail awaiting trial, they lose their jobs. When they don’t earn an income, they can’t pay their rent, buy their family food or make car payments.”

NFL players are advocating for specific policy change that has nothing to do with pardons. But Trump continues to dismiss the NFL players and their beliefs as not a real issue, continuing to fuel the fire. 

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