Titans’ Mike Mularkey Adds Another Weak Excuse To “Why Not Kap” List

On Sunday afternoon, Titans’ fans held their collection breath as their star QB, Marcus Mariotta, left the game clutching his leg. Veteran QB Matt Cassel stepped on to the field to replace the injured QB and promptly did what Cassel does- absolutely nothing.

Cassel went 4-10 with 21 yards passing and 2 interceptions en route to getting blown out by the Texans, 57-14. Questions about Mariotta were immediately directed at Coach Mularkey and the team, to which they responded that their QB would get an MRI and they’d evaluate their options. Well that option turned out to be the four-year playing, 6,642 yards with 31 TDs and 30 ints throwing player, Brandon Weeden.

Yep. Another journeyman QB signed ahead of the blackballed Colin Kaepernick. Even worse was the excuse given by Titans coach Mike Mularkey, which added to the ever growing list of weak excuses as to why teams haven’t signed Kap.

WATCH- The Discussion On Kaepernick Continues

The Discussion on Colin Kaepernick Continues

When asked about signing Kaepernick, Mularkey didn’t seem to think there was much interest.

“I’m not aware if there was,” Mularkey said of signing Kap. “I know he’s not familiar with our offense. I know T.J. Yates had some experience with it in Atlanta and with us for a couple of weeks.”

“As quickly as we could get somebody up to speed in a short amount of time, he had the advantage over everybody,” added Mularkey.  

So because he’s not familiar with the offense he’s not capable of learning and playing? 

Wait, didn’t you draft a rookie QB to start for you last year? We’re sure he wasn’t familiar with your playbook in the least bit when he signed on the dotted line, and he’s still learning how to be an NFL QB.

For the record, Kap’s career stat line reads as follows: 12,271 yards passing, 72 TDs and 30 ints. He’s also rushed for 2,300 yards and 13 TDs.

To be fair to Mularkey, he doesn’t have the final decision in which player to sign, but he definitely has input, so for him to to suggest that Weeden was a better option that Kap because of his familiarity with the playbook, we’d suggest he look to the stat book and to Miami where the Dolphins and head coach Adam Gase are having a “great time” seeing coach and QB Jay Cutler being reunited.

Or maybe the team should listen to their own players, like receiver Risahrd Martthews, who was Kap’s college teammate.

“I know for a fact he’s ready to go,” said Matthews after mentioning he spoke with Kap earlier in the week.

So you can add Coach Mularkey to the list of weak excuses regarding not signing Colin Kaepernick.

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