Mike Tyson Smoked Plenty Of Weed At Tucker Carlson’s House Before Being Interviewed, But Did Tuck Take A Toke?

Mike Tyson stopped by Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to deliver his unique perspectives, but before he went to Carlson’s home and smoked weed, a lot of it. Before the Fox News interview on Tucker Carlson Today, an unconventional media outlet for Tyson, given the polarizing nature of the brand, a source told Page Six about the pregame activities.

“Tucker told him that it’s not his thing personally, but he had no problem with Mike smoking while he was there,” Page Six reported a source saying.

The Tucker Carlson Pregame

Tyson is an avid cannabis advocate who strains through the Tyson 2.0 brand. He is now ubiquitously linked with the plant, ensuring he normalizes its consumption everywhere he goes, especially when a camera is present. The legendary boxer and entrepreneur recently announced that he and the four-time world heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield were coming together to promote Holy Ears. The product is THC-infused gummies that mimic his in ring meltdown, where he took a bite of the Olympian’s ear.

For Carlson, it was yet another way to expand his reach into communities that have historically been averse to watching him or his broadcast partner, Fox News.

For the former “baddest man on the planet,” it was yet another opportunity to discuss his philosophies on the thing that made him a household name, controlled violence. Carlson asked Tyson about his thought process and how he channeled his emotions to become the youngest heavyweight boxing champion in the boxing world. Tyson kept it plain that he wanted to “kill them” in referencing his opponents.

Think Like Tyson

“The more you hurt them, the higher you go in life,” Tyson said. “That’s just my mentality. The more you hurt him, the more people will love you. If you know how to control it, it keeps us all warm, it heats our food and everything. But if you let it get out of control, it destroys you and everything around you.

“Just think about who I am, I don’t want to go back there no more,” Tyson continued. “I don’t want to – I don’t want to be in that poverty state of mind anymore and not from a physical perspective; I don’t want to be poverty-struck in here.”

Mike Tyson Smokes At Tucker Carlson’s House

The revelation that Carlson permitted the champ to smoke in his residence is surprising. His past takes on cannabis have been wrapped around American tragedies like mass shootings. When the Fourth of July shooting happened in Chicago, Carlson declared that young American men’s lives are a carousel of “social media, porn, and video games, government-endorsed weed,” and more.

“The authorities in their lives, mostly women, never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege, Carlson said. “‘You’re male; you’re privileged.’ Imagine that; try to imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So a lot of young men in America are going nuts. Are you surprised? And by the way, a shockingly large number have been prescribed psychotropic drugs by their doctors, SSRIs, or antidepressants.”

Mike Tyson and Tucker Carlson are a strange mix, but in the always-amazing world of Tyson it is just another day in life.

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