Police Investigate Club Josh Brent And Jerry Brown Attended Before Crash

Following the death of Jerry Brown, Club Privae in Dallas is now under investigation by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and the Irving Police Department.

TABC agents began their investigation early Saturday just hours after the crash.

“We're establishing where they had been and if they were sold alcohol while they were drunk," said TABC spokeswoman Carolyn Beck.

It is illegal in the State of Texas to serve alcohol to an intoxicated person. So there could be trouble on the horizon. Beck said that agents will interview patrons, servers, bartenders and any other witnesses who were in the club. In addition, agents will gather receipts and also obtain any video from surveillance cameras at the club.

"The investigation could take days or it could take months," Beck said.

Could Brown’s death have been prevented?

It’s not crystal clear yet.

Turns out there were several Dallas Cowboys players in attendance that night. This is the same club wide receiver Dez Bryant broke his curfew earlier this season. The Cowboys will conduct their own investigation to confirm the players who were there according to head coach, Jason Garrett.

Proposed with the question of when the team will begin gathering that information, Garrett said, “Oh, at some point, I’m sure we will get to the details of that. But we are certainly not at that point right now. We’re a couple of days away from that. I think we’re all kind of trying to get our arms around what happened. We’re all trying to be very respectful to Jerry’s family and certainly Josh’s situation and really just trying to get through today. That’s where we are.”

Club Privae also released a statement.

"In regard to the auto accident that took the life of Dallas Cowboy Jerry Brown, we are saddened by the events of the weekend. Our hearts go out to Mr. Brown's family and friends, and the entire Cowboys organization."

"Privae Dallas is a club that offers its guests a special level of privacy and often caters to celebrities. The safety of our guests is very important to us, and our staff is trained to follow the regulations set forth by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC).

"We are fully cooperating with the TABC and Irving police, and respect that the event is under investigation. Because of that, we must ask that all questions be directed to the Irving police department and their team."

Let’s all hope for a quick ending, so Brown can rest in peace.

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