Josh Gordon is Heading to Rehab

It seemed like it was all good, but apparently it wasn’t.

Today it was announced that the talented, yet troubled, Josh Gordon of the Cleveland Browns would be entering a rehab facility to “gain full control of my life.” In a statement released by the Browns and the recovering wide receiver, Gordon stated:

“After careful thought and deep consideration I’ve decided that I need to step away from pursuing my return to the Browns and my football career to enter an in-patient rehabilitation facility. This is the right decision for me and one that I hope will enable me to gain full control of my life and continue on a path to reach my full potential as a person. I appreciate the support of the NFL, NFLPA, the Browns, my teammates, my agent and the community through this extremely challenging process.”

The team announced the move through the tweet below:

Gordon had been banned for the first four games of this season and was eligible to return in Week 5 against the Patriots. But with this latest setback, it appears that Gordon’s time with the team, and maybe with the NFL, could be at an end. This is just another obstacle the Browns must face. Already sitting at 0-3 and with rising star receiver Corey Coleman out for the next few weeks with a broken hand, the Browns are hurting bad.

Hopefully Gordon gets things together, especially for his own sake.

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