George Zimmerman is Not a Celebrity

You know what America needs to happen just in time for Black History Month? We need yet another display of thoughtlessness from a group of black celebrities. The very fact that I have to stoop myself to type the words of his reprehensible name is ridiculous.  The monster responsible for the death of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, has carried out many stunts since the 17-year-old's untimely death on February 26, 2012.  He's toured a gun manufacturing plant, he’s been painting watercolor pictures of black people, and he's been a sleazy ass in general.

People have become famous for no reason at all in the past 10 years. We have quasi-realistic shows posing as reality TV to blame for that. Nothing is too low. But the very idea that a man is courting, and receiving fame for killing a black teen is a bone-chilling fact for the fathers and mothers of little black boys and girls. We are reminded that not only can a random slob kill a child without fear of prosecution, but he can actually become famous for it.

According to a story broken by Miss Info of Hot 97, the greasy troglodyte has been fishing for a boxing opponent for a charity match. And several African American celebrities have expressed interest in participating in a practice that is clearly designed to bring attention to Zimmerman. Maddening!

The very thought is obscene, perverse and beyond the scope of my greatest nightmare. As the story goes, rappers The Game and DMX have each stepped up and offered to fight this individual. According to DMX in an interview with TMZ, he’d consider it for, "every black person who has been done wrong in the system."DMX adds, "I am going to beat the living f**k out him … I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f**k him right up. Once I am done with him, I am going to whip my d**k out and piss on him … right in his muthaf**kin face…Zimmerman is a piece of s**t and that’s what he needs to drink."

The Game is on record as saying he would knock Zimmerman out as well. "I would not be boxing for me," The Game told TMZ. "I'd be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family. I would box him to knock him out. I would definitely take pleasure in it. It's legal, and I want to show him you can solve your disputes without a weapon."

The fight is being promoted by Celebrity Boxing owner Damon Feldman. The promoter says they decided to go with DMX after selecting him from 15,000 email requests. Individuals who express any interest in entertaining this shameful man might think they’re doing black people a favor. They believe that by facing Zimmerman in the ring and pummeling him they’re somehow getting a payback. But no, that's stupid. How can they not see what is going on? Firstly, this pariah is thirsty for attention. Secondly, they are lending their celebrity to this rat bastard and putting money in his pocket in the long run. He says he would give the funds to charity, but by “bathing” in this man’s bull in any measure we legitimize him.

For any person in America to be aware of Zimmerman’s motive of fame from the death of Trayvon Martin, yet still engage him in any way, shape, or form short of legal action is just sad. This is tantamount to spitting on the grave of a boy who died too soon. It’s bad enough that this will go down in history as yet another case of Emmitt Till. And sadly, the two-year anniversary of Trayvon's death (February 26), coupled with what would have been his 19th birthday (February 5), and Zimmerman's latest cultural crap is all happening right on time: Happy Black History Month.

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