Steve Harvey Gets Real About Comedy in the Social Media Age

Amid all the pomp and circumstances surrounding the Disney Dreamers Academy comedian Steve Harvey took some time to discuss the modern age of comedy when asked by blog publisher Luvvie of Awesomely Luvvie. He goes in on the evils of social media and how the digital age is killing careers, but he also gives comedian Kevin Hart his proverbial blessings as the newly-crowned King of Comedy. Check it out!

About comedy in the age of social media;

“For the young kids doing comedy now, social media has ruined it. With the exception of Kevin Hart, all the rest of them are struggling. As soon as you do something in a comedy club, someone records it and puts It on Youtube.  So, you can even have people come, sell your tickets, and surprise people like that. Comedy is not like music. People come to hear their hits. Yolanda (Adams) got to sing certain songs or theyll be upset.  Luther (Vandross) had to sing his hits. You can go through your hits as a comedian. If your hits are all over social media, it absolutely ruins it.”

“Social media, what is it for us now? Its really the devils playground. Youve got a bunch of small people thats at a computer, they get a big screen name like theyre some big shot and theyre really nothing. Its just mostly hate. Even if youre talking about something positive on your Instagram, you can put a Bible verse on their and somebody sitting on their keyboard hatin. Theyre going to bring up something that aint got nothing to do with nothing and just start dogging you.”

Praise for Kevin Hart;  

“I think its tough for everybody, you gotta do it now because its part of branding and marketing, but for comedy it has been a complete disaster, other than Kevin Hart. Hes the young lion now. Hes the new king out there.  He takes social media and hes brilliant. Katts hatin on him, but Kevin Hart is the cat right now.  Hes smart, funny and very, very respectful.”

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