Shame On Us: Unrest In DC Was A Desperate President’s Final Power Play

On Wednesday, the residents of DC and the rest of the nation, all watched CNN, MSNBC, and many other news outlets as a rally for the soon departing Donald J Trump took place in downtown Washington DC.

The rally was inappropriately named the “Stop The Steal Rally”, which is based upon his egregious and baseless accusations that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from him. Trump spoke at yesterday’s rally as he’s done at all 5 of his “Loser Rallies” since he was defeated by Joe Biden on November 7th, four days after the general election.

These rallies and his fabricated claim that he was cheated due to voter fraud was definitely a factor. Everything he does is a money grab. He’s raised over $200M since his November loss as his supporters believe anything he says and does to try and keep him in power. If he can’t continue his power-mongering as President then as he said in his “concession” speech this evening, he will continue to be relevant after he leaves office on January 20th.

It’s been nothing but utter buffoonery since he formally launched his campaign for Presidency on June 16, 2015.  And yesterday was the reality of the Republican Party allowing this circus to entertain the American people for the better part of 5.5 years.

 At Wednesday’s rally, the POTUS himself told his supporters to go to the U.S. Capitol and demand they overturn an election he lost going away. They did just that and then some, as they stormed the Capitol while Congress was certifying the Electoral College votes to etch in stone the Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris ticket for Inauguration on January 20th.

These domestic terrorists breached the sacred grounds where the country’s lawmakers reside, by forcing their way into the massive and (thought to be) heavily secured building.

They knocked out windows, chased down police officers, stormed the Senate floor, broke into Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi’s office, and even stole mail, as well as a note left behind stating “We Will Never Back Down”.

All this raucous was incited by Donald Trump and not once did he denounce their actions calling them “Patriots.” Problem is, they don’t play for the George Mason basketball team. Trump actually left his VP Mike Pence out in the cold to speak on his behalf while he hid and tweeted, the same way he did during the George Floyd protests when he ran and hid in a bunker.

During these unfathomable events, four people perished, with one of his supporters being shot and killed as she tried to force her way into the final barricade where Congress resides.

The media wants us to believe she was a great citizen by stating she was a 14-year retired vet of the Air Force. Didn’t she take an oath to honor the Constitution before joining the Air Force? That means she had no business breaching the Capitol building just like the others.

See that’s the two different America’s we live in. The one Boston Celtics star Jaylen Brown referred to in his postgame press conference after the Heat and Celtics knelt in solidarity.

Those folks who breached the Capitol, taking selfies, talking on the mic on the Senate floor, bullying and thugging their way in are not “Patriots” but as I stated, they’re domestic terrorists.  Just like Golden State All-Star Draymond Green accurately called them.

Just like the ones in Charlottesville, Nashville and other places where things of this nature have taken place during Trump’s presidency. Until this evening, where he finally publically denounced the actions of the Capitol bumrushers, Trump has cosigned all of the evil that has permeated our nation in the past five years.

READ MORE: Karl Anthony Towns Speaks Truth on Charlottesville, America and More

He’s been so engulfed in the mirage and facade of trying to get an election that was done fairly overturned, that he hasn’t once mentioned the bombing in Nashville Tennessee on Christmas morning.

Yesterday’s events were a true sign of White Privilege that has run this country forever. Do you really believe if those were BLACK Americans invading the Capitol they would’ve lived to tell about it? I seriously doubt it and that’s on everything.

Police kill us on traffic stops while cooperating, or in our backyard minding our business. Or in our own home sleeping. I even saw some of the Capitol police open the barricade outside to let these imbeciles through and once inside they even took selfies with them.

They should all be fired and charged. How bad was it you ask? There’s a video going around which shows how a lot of them got into the building by overtaking one BLACK officer with a baton. They bombarded him and chased him up the stairs where he finally got help. He feared for his life as he was completely outnumbered.

Trump is a “Totalitarian” and they’ve known this even before him being elected President, and what he incited yesterday has been festering for months. He even claimed over the summer that he wouldn’t leave the White House if he lost the upcoming election. It was a complete seditious insurrection, that caused the Capitol to be breached for the first time since the “War Of 1812”.

Over the Spring and Summer as the “Black Lives Matters” peaceful protests were taking place following the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, this sitting President even made these heinous comments:

 “When The Looting Starts The Shooting Starts”.

As a parting act, he made comments to start the upheaval at the Capitol. Then more comments to say stop and go home, but then he contradicted himself, saying the criminals who breached the capitol were hurting and upset “because they and I were cheated.”

Again not once did he denounce anything that had taken place during these unreal moments in US history. Just like he wouldn’t denounce the “Proud Boys” and other “White Supremacist” groups during a Presidential debate.

Even crazier is this guy still has the codes to all the “NUKES” in the country with 12 days left in office.

His cabinet has fallen apart and he’s only recently conceded the election as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were officially certified by Electoral College as the President and Vice President-Elect.

This prompted Trump to say this through a spokesperson (Twitter Finally Suspended His Account) “There Will Be An Orderly Transfer Of Power” on January 20th.

But why all the unrest to get to this point?

When the knee of your oppressor sits upon your neck with less

READ MORE: John Lewis’ Legacy Inspired a New Generation of Good Trouble

Smile all you want John “Good Trouble” Lewis as your work was never in vain.

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