Reuben Foster’s Scorned Ex-GF Admits To Revenge Plot To Ruin Career

Reuben Foster is one step closer to resuming his NFL career after being unofficially cleared of damaging domestic violence allegations that were fabricated by a scorned girlfriend with a heart made of mud and stone. Eliss Ennis, who testified against the advice of her attorney Stephanie Rickard, said she made up the story because she wanted to ruin Foster’s career and sue him for money after he broke up with her on the morning of Feb. 11. 

Evan Sernoffsky on Twitter

BREAKING: Reuben Foster’s ex-girlfriend takes the stand in prelim for domestic violence case, says she made the whole thing up after he broke up with her

Unfortunately the courts still have to rule on whether or not there is sufficient evidence to go to trial, but with Ennis’ shocking confession, the case should be dropped the next time Foster appears in front of a judge. 

Evan Sernoffsky on Twitter

Reuben Foster leaving court with his attorney Josh Bentley. Judge will decide next week whether domestic violence case goes to trial

Domestic violence is a problem that should be taken seriously in this country, but women like Ennis contaminate the entire process and make it harder for true victims to be heard and believed. They are the worst kind of vindictive instigators and prevaricators.  

Foster sat in court on Thursday as the former girlfriend recanted her domestic violence allegations on the witness stand. Ennis admits that she plotted the false accusations to get back at Foster for breaking up their relationship and had planned on ruining his career and extorting him.

At least she kept it a buck and admitted that she is nuttier than a bag of pistachios. She caused Foster substantial grief. 

People were calling for 49ers GM John Lynch to cut Foster when he was arrested back in 2017. They assumed he was just another NFL player who was violent towards women. Back in April, in a twist of justice, Foster’s former girlfriend said she can prove Foster did not cause her injuries from an alleged February incident in Los Gatos.

Kevin Jones on Twitter

The 49ers were patient and did not rush to judgment with Reuben Foster. They believed his side of the story. If these are the facts, John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan absolutely made the right call. Foster could avoid suspension all together and be on the field in September

Foster deserves the same amount of sympathy for his loss as Ennis received when people believed she was another victim of brutality and domestic violence. This false accusation could have destroyed Fosters reputation and career and none of it was true. He needs to file charges of his own, but hes probably just relieved that she had the heart to recant her accusation. 

Hopefully, Foster will be welcomed back by the 49ers and allowed to continue playing in the NFL without any further damage to his livelihood or reputation. 

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