Report: Antonio Brown Accused Of Rape

Antonio Brown has been the biggest sports story over the last week, his drama with the Raiders and signing with the Patriots taking over NFL broadcasts all weekend.

This evening a bombshell involving a rape charge levied against AB dropped, sending the AB news cycle back into overdrive.

According to the New York Times, Brown is accused of raping his former trainer.

According to the report, the new Patriots’ receiver is accused of three separate incidents of rape and sexual assault against Britney Taylor, a gymnast he met at Central Michigan and then later hired as his trainer.

The accusations were made in a lawsuit filed today in Florida.

The alleged incidents took place in 2017 and 2018. In the lawsuit, Taylor claims that, among other things, Brown exposed himself to her, kissed her without her consent and pushed her face first into a mattress and “forcibly” raped her despite her screaming “no” and “stop”.

Her attorney issued a statement in which Taylor addressed the lawsuit.

“As a rape victim of Antonio Brown, deciding to speak out has been an incredibly difficult decision,” said Taylor in the statement. “I have found strength in my faith, my family, and from the accounts of other survivors of sexual assault.”

Brown, in response to the allegation, vehemently denied the charges through his attorney, Darren Heitner.

“Mr. Brown denies each and every allegation in the lawsuit,” reads the statement. “He will pursue all legal remedies to not only clear his name, but to also protect other professional athletes against false accusations.”

The statement continues on to say that “any sexual interaction with Mr. Brown was entirely consensual” and that he also declined to invest in Taylor’s business project, establishing the idea that the lawsuit is nothing more than a money grab.

To add even more drama to this situation are the emails that Brown allegedly sent to Taylor. Warning, the language in the emails below is both explicit and very confusing.

Brown is said to be filing a counter lawsuit according to ESPN’s Josina Anderson.

We will update the story as more details are released.

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