Redskins Show Solidarity For Slain Mike Brown With “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Protest

When the Redskins secondary walked out onto the field during player introductions as a group with their hands up, signaling a peaceful surrender, the cynic in me believed it was directed towards the Browns quarterbacks. 

It turns out their peculiar entrance was a gesture of solidarity towards Mike Brown and the protestors in Ferguson, Missouri who have descended upon the city after his shooting at the hands of police officer Darren Wilson nearly two weeks ago. 

“Anytime you get an opportunity to do something like that, it’s something that needs to be discussed, something that you truly need to believe,” veteran safety Ryan Clark said. “That could have been any one of us. That could have been any one of our brothers, our cousins, just anyone."

ESPN did not air their protest, but, fans in the stadium captured the gestures made by Brandon Meriweather, Philip Thomas, DeAngelo Hall and Clark

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