“O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession” Should Have Stayed Lost

Remember the controversy around the O.J. Simpson’s book, “If I Did It”? It was supposedly a hypothetical take on how the disgraced football legend might have have killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, the crime he was acquitted of 23 years ago.

Well, on Sunday night, Fox aired O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession. It was a two-hour special that was originally shelved by the network, which it intended to use in 2006 to promote the book.  

First Look: This Story Has Been Told A Million Ways | O.J. SIMPSON: THE LOST CONFESSION?

Get a first look of the O.J. Simpson: Lost Confession? Tape with panelists discussing the content. Subscribe now for more FOX clips: http://fox.tv/SubscribeFOX Like FOX on Facebook: http://fox.tv/FOXTV_FB Follow FOX on Twitter: http://fox.tv/FOXTV_Twitter Add FOX on Google+: http://fox.tv/FOXPlus First Look: This Story Has Been Told A Million Ways | O.J.

Ezra Edelman’s Oscar-winning ESPN 30-for-30 documentary O.J.: Made in America, along with the Emmy-winning FX drama series The People v. O.J. Simpson, put Simpson and the case back in the spotlight, with Fox now looking to catch the latest wave of publicity and ratings. And with famous men abusing women becoming a hot-button topic as of late, I guess the executives at Fox thought this might be a good look for them.

Except that it wasn’t. There was a reason that the book and this interview were originally scrapped, though a different version of the manuscript was published in 2007, with the Goldman’s being granted the rights to the material in order to help satisfy their civil claim.

It’s reprehensible that Fox is, under the guise of the public demanding more O.J.-related material, benefiting from this whole sordid ordeal.

Contrary to the network’s statements, along with those who participated like Soledad O’Brien and former prosecutor Chris Darden, this was in no way vital to the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. It’s just another salacious, pathetic money grab framed as some sort of look inside the mind of a domestic abuser.  

Edelman’s exceptional storytelling in “O.J.: Made in America” should have been the exclamation point on the man’s life and the murders of Nicole and Ron Brown. 

O.J.: Made in America – Trailer

Trailer for the 30 for 30 – OJ: Made in America

We all saw Simpson for the foul, abusive, shady and duplicitous clown that he was and is. Anything else at this point, regarding that chapter in time, is just gratuitous and unwarranted.

There will never be closure and old wounds will just continue to be exposed. “The Lost Confession” should have stayed lost.

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