Nick Cannon, Like Kanye West, Has Head-Scratching Views On Slavery

Nick Cannon says slavery wouldn’t have happened if those captured had guns. In an interview with Vlad TV, he tries to offer his opinion on the issue and it did not go well.

Nick Cannon on Slavery Never Existing If it Weren’t for Guns (Part 9)

Watch Part 10: Part 8: Part 1: ————————– Nick Cannon spoke to VladTV about being a gun owner and having a concealed carry license in California. Nick explained that he believes people should be able to arm themselves with whatever is available, including assault weapons, as long as it’s legal.

And so, if it wasnt for guns, there would be no slavery because in that sense of these people came over with guns,” Cannon said. “They was like, Oh Ill f you up! until you saw this mother fer shot me, he must be some kinda god, I gotta listen to whatever this white man says” 

Although there is something to be said about European colonizers having deadly weapons, the reality is that slavery existed before guns and simply breaking it down to the issue of whether the enslaved had guns or not almost removes the responsibility from the abhorrent behaviors of the capturers. 

He also problematically delves into “race-based science” saying people in African were “genetically stronger” because of…melanin?. When the physical species of the Neanderthals or the people in Africa who were just genetically stronger in many different ways, whether its through the melanin in their skin, [are] able to withstand so much, they had never seen a fing gun before, Cannon said.

Never take history lessons or science lessons from Nick Cannon.

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