Minor League Baseball Team Apologizes For AOC Video Slip

AOC is so good that she continues to have people shook.

When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez first appeared on the scene, many thought she was unqualified and shouldn’t even be running.

But too many slept on her intellect, personality, and message, and she had the last laugh when she was elected to the United States Congress as a representative from NY-14. Since that time, she has been targeted by everyone from Trump to individuals just looking to make their bones as a social troll.

Now we learn that the sports world has her in its sights, as a minor league baseball team played a video over Memorial Day linking her to other “enemies of freedom” such as Kim Jong-un and Fidel Castro. You can see her image appear at the 3:06 mark in the video below.

The Fresno Grizzlies, a minor league, Triple A affiliate of the Washington Nationals based in Fresno, CA. played the video and were quickly ripped for it. The team immediately took to social media to issue an apology.


“We’re embarrassed we allowed this video to play without seeing it in its entirety first.” said the team in their Tweet of apology. “We unconditionally apologize to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) in addition to our fans, community and those we hurt. It was a mistake and we will ensure that nothing like it ever happens again.”

Calling AOC “an enemy of freedom” and associating her with dictators like the aforementioned Jong-un and Castro seems like more than just a “mistake”, especially when you consider the attacks that she’s had to endure from the minute she entered the political spectrum.

Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter to issue her response.

“What people don’t (maybe do) realize is when orgs air these hateful messages, my life changes bc of the flood of death threats they inspire. I‘ve had mornings where I wake up & the 1st thing I do w/ my coffee is review photos of the men (it’s always men) who want to kill me.” wrote Ocasio-Cortez.

Her response touches upon a subject that many don’t grasp, and that is that outspoken, unapologetic, passionate, intelligent and inspirational people of color always seem to be the target of hate and, even more severe, death threats. This “mistake” has the potential to fuel the fires of hate and ignorance which already surround the Congresswoman, which in turn intensifies their outrageous error even more.

Now let’s hope that no one takes any real action against her because of this.

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