Mike Tyson To Train Chris Brown For Fight Against Soulja Boy

This Chris Brown and Soulja Boy fight fiasco has reached new levels as Iron Mike Tyson has followed Floyd Mayweather JR. and 50 Cent into the situation.

After Mayweather announced that he was going to train Soulja Boy, the Brooklyn boxing legend announced on Instagram that hed be training C Breezy, to even out the score.

Its confirmed. Im training Chris, said Tyson. He chose me as his trainer to take on Soulja Boy. And Soulja Boy, what the fuck you talking about? The only thing Im gonna teach him is to bite somebodys ear? Yeah, thats right! Im gonna teach him every dirty trick in the book to knock you out.

This is just one big reality show now, but the characters are about as intriguing as you can get.

Mike Tyson was on The Gram talking real greasy and spit some profanities at Soulja and basically told him, he was a punk and Brown was going to knock him silly.  

If that wasnt enough, Tyson also recorded a diss record with Brown called If You Show Up, taunting Soulja and flat out disrespecting his gangsta.

If you show up, its going down, Iron Mike repeats on the cut. Im gonna teach him how to knock your ass down.

I dont even know what to say, but nobody athlete has left me speechless as much as Mike Tyson so Im rolling with the lunches sort of speak.

Breezy is slated to record his verse this week with a music video to follow, according to TMZ. Whats next ? I honestly cant wait to see. This challenge between two dudes that are frontin harder than gold teeth has taken on a life of its own. And I cant knock the two artists for trying to keep their game faces on. Everybody is getting their hands in the pot.

Meanwhile, Soulja has been seen getting his gym rat on, pumping iron and doing his cardio 1-2 while getting in shape for the celebrity face off for the fight, which he claims will take place at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in March. The rapper posted his workout on Snapchat.

Training to get ready for the big fight, says Soulja. Its going down. Make sure you get your tickets on pay-per-view. We working every day. The training dont stop. The Money Team, were in the gym every day. Were getting it in.

Of course all this bravado started over a woman. 

This is really becoming a circus. By the time this fight really happens people will be hooked just based on the many legends have decided to vouch for one for the two Young Dons.

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