Matt Barnes’ Ex And Former ‘Basketball Wives’ Star Gloria Govan Ordered To Pay Lawyers She’s Trying To Stiff $200K

According to reports a judge has ordered former “Basketball Wives” star Gloria Govan to pay almost $200K to the attorneys who represented her during her divorce from former NBA player Matt Barnes. Govan has apparently been refusing to pay for services rendered.

Barnes and Govan married in 2013 but divorced two years later. The reality TV star hired Brot, Gross & Fishbein’s Family Law Services. However, the firm alleged in their lawsuit that Govan never paid the fees she’d been invoiced, or any of the outstanding attorney costs.

Gloria Govan Has Default Judgment Entered Against Her obtained the documents from Los Angeles Superior Court where a default judgment was entered against Govan for failure to respond to the lawsuit. According to the judgment she must pay a total of $197,774.

The divorce between Barnes and Govan was contentious. Barnes was originally ordered to pay $20K a month in child support for his two sons. A judge did eventually dropped it to $7500. This was when Govan had custody of the kids.

In 2018 after Govan was arrested at the kids’ school Barnes obtained a temporary restraining order against her and was granted full custody of the two kids. The courts believed that Govan was dealing with anger management issues and was a possible threat to the children at the time.

Since then Govan was able to gain 50/50 custody with Barnes.

Did Barnes Drive 95 Miles To Beat Up Derek Fisher For Dating Govan?

Then there was the infamous 95 miles Barnes allegedly drove in 2015 to go beat up fellow ex-NBA player Derek Fisher, who was dating Barnes’ estranged wife and spending time with their then six-year old twin sons.

This was a wild story at the time. Fisher was head coach of the New York Knicks then and it dominated sports news. Kanye West referenced it in his song “30 Hours.”

Barnes set the record straight years later on what actually went down and said he and Fisher are cool now.

“Fast forward, we buried the hatchet, we spoke, because they’re still together,” Barnes said in 2021 on the “Charges With Rex Chapman” podcast.

“To me, it’s about raising these twins the best we possibly can, and co-parenting. So now he and I are cool. We’re on the same page. We communicate and see each other when we’re at events. They’ve been to my house for the twins’ birthday, I’ve been to their place.

“But obviously it’ll be something that’s kind of in infamy now because Kanye [West] rapped about it [in his “30 Hours” song], and everyone thinks he stole my chick — like, he started dating my ex-wife, that’s what it was. He didn’t steal s–t from me.

“What I’m tripping off is that you’re in my house that I pay for with my kids and you didn’t tell me, that’s what I told him.”

Last year it was reported by Deadline that Fisher and Govan, now married, had a reality TV series in the works that will follow the couple, as well as their extended family. It will look at the drama of co-parenting in the public eye, high-profile exes and demanding teenagers. It is unclear what stage of development the project is in.

Perhaps the funds Govan earns from this project can be used to pay the default judgment she has hanging over her head.

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