Jason Whitlock: A Word From The Witless

There’s no rest for the racially witless. Enter Jason Whitlock, a man who has made a living in media taking whatever angle will play up to the white male constituency that simultaneously pisses off individuals with whom he shares a similar ancestry.

The obese Whitlock, who has had the utter audacity of body shaming Serena – the living embodiment of the Victoria, the Roman goddess of sport – tried to belittle Kobe’s legacy and has criticized Colin Kaepernick at every turn since his boycott, now has something to say about another racially sensitive situation.  And, once again, his viewpoint is counter to common sense and available data.

Jason Whitlock Hammers LeBron James

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During a press conference addressing the race-base vandalism that occurred at his home in Los Angeles, LeBron James lamented at the difficulties that come with being Black in America despite his fame and fortune. Just like a salivating dog at the dinner bell, or better yet Stephen, the starkly loyal house slave in Django Unchained, Whitlock came-a-runnin’ to defend the white man’s non-existent history of altruism when it comes to dealing with black folks.

I get when I was a young person people called me a bad name the n-word, whatever  it hurt my feelings. But did it stop me from rising? Hell no! Did it stop LeBron James? And LeBrons comment about no matter how rich you are, no matter how famous you are, its tough being black in America. That is a lie. Its not tough being Oprah Winfrey. Its not tough being LeBron James. Its not tough being Jason Whitlock.

After the inevitable social media deluge of comments that either tore apart his view of race in America, Whitlock appeared to defend words on Twitter but to no avail.

But what is apparent is that is Whitlock doesn’t see the flip side. If LeBron James can be victimized and hurt by racism, the everyday brother on the street doesn’t stand a chance against the effects of racism, whether interpersonal or institutional.

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