Kap Continues To Receive Awards From The People, Hate From The NFL

Colin Kaepernick is a walking American enigma. Hes reviled by NFL owners, the President and racists who try to make his player protests against social injustice and rampant police brutality, as a sign of defiance and disrespect for the National Anthem, the American flag and the soldiers who fought and lost their lives in defense of our liberties. 

Hes also lauded, praised and often celebrated by logical Americans who totally understand his courage and bravery in risking his livelihood to improve conditions in this country for minority groups that have been and continue to be oppressed by the white powers in control. 

 Kaepernick’s latest accolade was bestowed upon him by the National Education Association. 

AJ+ on Twitter

Colin Kaepernick won the National Education Association’s top civil rights award for his Know Your Rights Camp organization, which educates underserved youth on their legal rights with law enforcement

The nations largest teachers union honored Kaepernick with the President’s Award, described as the NEAs highest honor, at its Human and Civil Rights Awards ceremony last Sunday in Minneapolis.

 According to the Washington Times, The NEA cited his refusal to stand for the national anthem during the 2016 NFL season and the work of his eponymous foundation, which runs Know Your Rights youth camps and has donated $1 million to social-justice groups.

 When Kaepernick sat during the national anthem at a San Francisco 49ers pre-season football game in 2016, he made a profound non-violent statement about the treatment of black people in this country, said the NEA in a statement.

First he took a seat, and then a knee, to advance an anti-racism, pro-social justice movement, the statement said. With his example, the #TakeAKnee campaign spread throughout the National Football League and forced an ongoing, national conversation about the treatment of black Americans by law enforce

 Despite not being allowed to play in an NFL regular season game since the 2016 season, Kaepernick has been busy jet-setting to various awards ceremonies. In April, Amnesty International gave Kaepernick its Ambassador of Conscience Award. Past winners include Nelson Mandela and Vaclav Havel.  

LEFT on Twitter

Kaepernick is the first athlete to receive Amnesty International’s ‘Ambassador of Conscience’ award. It’s funny how people from around the WORLD are in harmony with his protest, meanwhile at HOME many see his call for an end to police terrorism as divisive and disrespectful. https://t.co/wIXX8c19Ak

Kap was also named GQ magazines Citizen of the Year and received Sports Illustrateds Muhammad Ali Legacy Award at the end of 2017.

Theres even been a spirited campaign for Kaepernick to receive consideration for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize for his sacrifice and social activism. In addition, Kaepernick was one of 12 social justice heroes to be honored as part of the NEA Human and Civil Rights Awards program.

Sports Illustrated on Twitter

It is a rare person who gives up what he loves in exchange for what he believes. Colin Kaepernick is the winner of SI’s Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. https://t.co/bUQotMxxFE

Kaepernick continues to be blackballed by the NFL since opting out of his contract with San Francisco in 2017. Hes currently entrenched in a legal battle with the NFL since filing a collusion grievance against the league and its owners. 

The free agent QBs absence in the league hasnt ended the player protest debates, in fact with the NFLs recently instituted anthem policy,
Kaepernicks platform is still receiving a ton of press and inspiring social activism, awareness and continuous dialogue about the topics between athletes across all sports and people from all walks of life.  

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