Josh Hart’s Out-of-Bounds “Breast Milk” Tweet Made Knicks Teammate Jalen Brunson Unfollow Him On Twitter; Stephen A. Smith Says He Might Be Onto Something

[Notes: Who is Smith saying is onto something there? Hart? Or Brunson for unfollowing Hart?],to%20twin%20boys%20Friday%20afternoon.,annual%20average%20salary%20of%20%2412%2C640%2C000.

Josh Hart is apparently already missing the NBA season. He let his intrusive thoughts get the best of him and made a ridiculous tweet about tasting breast milk. The tweet prompted a response from his Knicks’ teammate Jalen Brunson and ESPN analyst Stephen A. Smith.

Hart’s wife Shannon recently gave birth to twin boys in early May, and the two-way wing player almost missed Game 6 of the KnicksHeat second-round playoffs matchup.

(Left) Stephen A. Smith speaking on SiriusXM radio; (middle) Josh Hart speaking with media after Knicks playoff exit; (right) Jalen Brunson speaking with media after Knicks playoff exit. (Photo: Getty Images)

Hart’s Tweet

Hart’s thoughts got the best of him on May 30, and he asked his Twitter followers a ridiculous question.

The tweet received over 42,000 likes and almost 4,000 comments. Pelicans star guard CJ McCollum, Brunson, and Kings star guard De’Aaron Fox all responded in the comments.

“Sick conversation (laughing emoji) heard it goes down like almond milk (laughing emoji)” wrote McCollum.

Hart responded, “Not going to lie to you bro…it’s better.”

Fox chimed into the outrageous tweet and said he was not surprised by Hart.

“I’m actually not surprised you asked the question less than a month in,” wrote Fox.

Hart replied, “(laughing emojis) bro I know every new dad wondered.”

Then, Smith went on his podcast and went into detail about Hart’s tweet.

“Josh Hart sent out some kind of tweet or whatever asking folks if y’all had ever tasted breast milk. Breast milk. That’s what he said. Now, I’ve never been inclined to taste breast milk. I like breasts. You don’t have to be a baby to like breasts. Matter of fact, one could easily argue there are adults who like breasts more than babies,” said Smith on his podcast.

He continued, “However, breast milk is a different matter. He asked that question, and I’m like, I mean, ‘Damn, Josh! What the hell!’ And then I started laughing because I thought about a clip from Dave Chappelle that I thought was hilarious years ago, and that made me chuckle. [He shows a clip of the “Chappelle Show” sketch on a musician getting breast milk.] That was Josh Smith [nope!] of the New York Knicks. No wonder why Jalen Brunson said ‘Lose the number, lose the number.’ Josh Hart is a weird one. But he is somebody I hope remains a New York Knick.”

Brunson Doesn’t Approve

Brunson told Hart to delete his number. Ii appears Hart didn’t listen, and Brunson took it upon himself to unfollow his teammate.

Hopefully, this doesn’t get in the way of their on-court chemistry. The Knicks have important concerns that need to be addressed this offseason. The fan base is frustrated with Julius Randle’s playoff performances and wants to see him traded. Also, the Knicks can’t seem to get past the second round with the core of Randle, RJ Barrett, and now Brunson.

Hart has a player option on his three-year deal he signed with the Pelicans in 2021 before being traded by them to New York at the trade deadline this season. The Knicks are a up-and-coming contender but are still a few pieces away from being a serious contender.

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